[FALSE] “They call it disinfection?”

NOT just sprayed by antiseptic. Besides of 14 days quarantine for observation in separate island, those who failed the screening test in Wuhan are NOT allowed to leave.




False context.



http://bit.ly/2OnNx9p / http://archive.md/cKyHm (backup archive), the “Russian Market” (twitter.com/russian_market) verified account. Shared 11.5K times per screen capture was taken.



“They call it disinfection? Indonesia… no words.”



(1) http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

* The SOURCE shared a video of Indonesians arrived from Wuhan being sprayed with antiseptic.

* The SOURCE’s narrative has cause a false conclusion about Indonesia’s full treatment process as part of the evacuation.

(2) Several related articles,

* CNBC Indonesia: “The Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto, explained that 7 Indonesian citizens who failed to return home including 4 preferred to remain in Wuhan while three did not pass the screening from the Chinese government.

Furthermore, Terawan said that the Chinese government had screened all Indonesian citizens to be evacuated which included a three-stage process.”

More @ “Failed to Evacuate, 3 Indonesian Citizens Not Passing Corona Virus Screening” http://bit.ly/2UkgneI / http://archive.md/fZYTv (backup archive).

* TEMPO.CO: “Medical officers spray Indonesian nationals with antiseptic after they arrived from Wuhan, China center of the coronavirus epidemic, before transferring them to the Natuna Islands military base to be quarantined, at Hang Nadim Airport in Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia, February 2, 202. An Indonesian plane carrying 243 nationals arrived in Batam on Sunday after being evacuated from virus-hit China. Antara Foto/via REUTERS”

Photo @ “Indonesians Return from Wuhan Virus Lockdown” http://bit.ly/2RQy7ws / http://archive.md/GcZYt (backup archive).

(3) Google Earth: “Natuna Regency”

More @ http://bit.ly/36P0X4B.



(1) BBC: “An official from the Ministry of Health said he was worried about the psychological condition of more than 240 Indonesian citizens when they returned to the environment around their homes, after following the observation process on Natuna Island, Riau Islands Province, for two weeks.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (Sesditjen P2P) of the Ministry of Health, Achmad Yurianto, said some Indonesian students who had been evacuated claimed to be afraid of being rejected by the environment around their homes because they were seen as spreading disease.”

More @ “Corona virus: Hundreds of Indonesian citizens from Wuhan live quarantine in Natuna, worried ‘seen as spreading disease'” http://bit.ly/2RQ5qjl / http://archive.md/738cQ (backup archive).

(2) Report (mention) from “HoaxEye” (twitter.com/hoaxeye): “See https://t.co/eH83EpU5VC https://twitter.com/hoaxeye/status/1224014451113975808”

http://bit.ly/2S8lgEU / http://archive.md/npkiT (backup archive).

“☾ MKHL BNHRD ☀” (twitter.com/Mkhlbnhrd) Replying to @russian_market: “This is not the full treatment for the virus. They were transferred from this to a military plane (a Hercules cmiie) and going to be quarantined on a military base in a secluded island.”

http://bit.ly/2OoApRl / http://archive.md/OPfFh (backup archive).