[FALSE] Image and video of #ChinaKillingMuslim by @malxkwest

Unrelated to China. The image is about Abas Amini’s protest against deportation in England, and the video happened in Indonesia.

More in EXPLANATION and REFERENCE section.



False context.



“malxkwest” account (twitter.com/malxkwest), http://bit.ly/2E9XXE7 and http://bit.ly/2tbJJQX. Shared 35.7K and 446 times when screenshot was made.

See (2) @ REFERENCE section for backup archive.



(1) “#ChinaKillingMuslim Please RETWEET NOW!
We have to get some media attention and make use of this app when people need it’s help, yeah idc if you’re too busy liking your wcw’s picture it won’t harm you to tap the retweet button… if it was your very own you’d put your life down”.

(3) “this is what else is going on if the first post was an “incorrect source” – still doesn’t go away that our brothers and sisters are being MURDERED!”



(1) http://bit.ly/2rhTadC / http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

* The SOURCE shared an image and a video unrelated to China. The image is about Abas Amini’s protest against deportation in England, and the video happened in Indonesia.

* The SOURCE added false narrative which has caused false conclusion.

(2) About the image,

* http://bit.ly/2M1mv6L Getty Images: “Asylum Seeker Abas Amini Protests Against Deportation
NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND – MAY 27: Iranian asylum seeker Abas Amini is seen with his eyes, ears and mouth sewn shut May 27, 2003 in Nottingham, England. Amini has taken this action in protest against the Home Office’s challenge of his succesful asylum application. (Photo by Lewis Whyld/Getty Images)”.

http://bit.ly/35kjdTK, related images by Getty Images.

(3) About the video (based on the spoken language),

* http://bit.ly/2E8buvI Vidio: “Viral, these 3 young men were stripped and whipped using a hose” (Google Translate Chrome extension).

* Also based on a person wearing “Gojek” jacket, identified on 00:17 in the video. Gojek is ride-hailing service from Indonesia, some related articles: http://bit.ly/2sfpOQH / http://archive.md/T6KlN (backup archive) and http://bit.ly/2PH8tYG / http://archive.md/VTliP (backup archive).



(1) https://adobe.ly/36lN7a2 Adobe Stock: “Iranian asylum-seeker Abas Amini lies with his eyes, mouth and ears sewn up at his home in Nottingham in northern England, May 27, 2003. Amini, a political poet and communist activist who fled Iran to Britain two years ago, is on hunger strike and refusing all medical attention after Britain’s Home Office said it would appeal a decision to grant him asylum in the UK.”

https://adobe.ly/38ogF8O, related images by Adobe Stock.

(2) http://archive.md/4Qq4W, backup archive or SOURCE.

(3) http://bit.ly/38xIV8Y, report (mention) to MAFINDO’s account (twitter.com/turnbackhoax).