NO victim died from the protests that took place. Two photos showing two men being arrested by the police are photos of the same person, but taken from different angles.
More @ https://bit.ly/3cEw9rS (Google Translate).

https://archive.vn/FisrR (archive).
(English version of “[SALAH] Dua Orang Pria Meninggal Dunia Akibat Kekerasan Polisi Saat Aksi Protes Anti-Vaksin dan Anti-Masker di London” https://bit.ly/339mSVG
* https://www.facebook.com/radoslawkaliszuk/videos/1772828922872202
* https://twitter.com/MetPoliceEvents/status/1307638595868594176
* http://news.met.police.uk/news/statement-protest-in-trafalgar-square-410977