[FALSE] “people trying to escape #China’s #CoronaCamps” Video

The video previously published in 2018. Suspected fake plate user, UNRELATED to 2019 Coronavirus.




False context.



http://bit.ly/2Sfyzo8 / http://archive.md/2DheT/image (backup archive) “Arslan Hidayat” (twitter.com/arslan_hidayat) account, shared 120 times per screenshot was taken.



“No, not a scene from “Fast and Furious” but people trying to escape #China’s #CoronaCamps.”



(1) http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

* The SOURCE shared a video of incident of suspected fake plate user in a police chase.

* The SOURCE’s narrative causing false conclusion of the fact of the incident recorded in the video.

(2) One of related article, Yahoo! News Singapore: “Runaway car smashes down gate during police chase

Newsflare 10 April 2018

This is the dramatic moment a car breaks down a gate during a police chase in China.

In the video, filmed in Nanning City in southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on April 10, a BMW crashes into a gate and drags it along a road.

According to local reports, police tried to stop the car as it was suspected of using a fake plate.

Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident.”

Video @ http://bit.ly/2SNuWFl / http://archive.md/PwBNo (backup archive).



(1) newsflare: “Runaway car smashes down gate during police chase

by China.News”

Video @ http://bit.ly/2UGDQqt / http://archive.md/PwBNo (backup archive).

(2) About the chronology of Coronavirus, Wikipedia: “Outbreak chronology

1–18 December 2019

On 31 December 2019, a consortium of Chinese medical experts were charged by the Chinese CDC with investigating the inception of what is now commonly known as the Wuhan Coronavirus.[229] On 24 January 2020, their report was published in The Lancet.[230] They noted from their review of local medical records that the first patient later to be diagnosed with the Wuhan Coronavirus had first been presented with symptoms on 8 December 2019. However, the consortium found an earlier case of a patient who had first experienced symptoms on 1 December 2019, pointing to an even earlier origin.[231] Apart from this early case, between 8 to 18 December 2019, seven cases later diagnosed with Wuhan Coronavirus were documented, two of them were linked with the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market of Wuhan, five were not.[232]”

More @ http://bit.ly/38kIqPo.