[CLARIFICATION] Photos of “Sam the Koala” and “Cooper & Merlot”

Both image are related to Australia’s 2009 “Black Saturday” bushfires, NOT to the current bushfires.







http://bit.ly/2ZTvigF / https://archive.md/ijkAL (backup archive), “andy” (twitter.com/andytelasai) account. Shared 18.2K times per screenshot was taken.



“A very good morning twitter, still sad over here but we gotta be strong and support everyone”.



(1) About the first photo, “Sam the Koala”:

* ABC: “Sam the koala became famous around the world after this photo was taken during the Victorian bushfires.”


More @ https://ab.co/35tN0IP / http://archive.md/X09qr (backup archive).

* YouTube: “Thirsty Koala – A Firefighter Gives Koala A Drink (2009 Australian Bushfires)

1,574,695 views • Feb 10, 2009

145 subscribers

The Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter cares for injured wildlife and did a tremendous job rehabilitating Sam the Koala until her passing from an unrelated infectious disease.”

More @ http://bit.ly/2uoxQrp.

(2) About the second photo, “Cooper & Merlot”:

* Museums Victoria Collections: “These kangaroos were made orphans due to the Black Saturday bushfires and are very close. Cooper (right) and Merlot (left), two young Grey Kangaroos, are standing within a bush clearing at Wildhaven Wildlife Shelter. Part of the Kinglake National Park can be seen in the background; with burnt tree trunks and new undergrowth visible.”

More @ http://bit.ly/39M2Wcz / http://archive.md/1hCf9 (backup archive).



(1) About Sam, Wikipedia: “Sam (2005-07 – 6 August 2009), also known as Sam the Koala, was a female koala from the forests of Mirboo North, Victoria, Australia. She became publicly known when a video and photographs of her being rescued by a firefighter were distributed on the internet and through the media during the aftermath of the Black Saturday bushfires.”

More @ http://bit.ly/37HFafU / http://archive.md/GHlDx (backup archive).

(2) About Cooper and Merlot, ARCOHAB: “Quite literally, they grew up in the fires’ aftermath. As the months, and eventually years passed, the bush around them, black and leafless in the beginning, grew greener and began to thicken. You can use it to follow their ages in the photos below.”

More @ http://bit.ly/2FqZFS1 / http://archive.md/9TRWX (backup archive).

(3) About the Black Saturday bushfires, The National Museum of Australia: “The 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria were the most devastating in Australian history. One hundred and seventy-three people tragically lost their lives, 414 were injured, more than a million wild and domesticated animals were lost and 450,000 hectares of land were burned.”

More @ http://bit.ly/2Qr8vFS / http://archive.md/bGsTZ (backup archive).

(4) About the current condition of Australia’s bushfires, CNN: “Blood-red skies loom over southeast Australia after deadly bushfires bring ‘one of worst days ever'”.

More @ https://cnn.it/36sGt2p / http://archive.md/sm245 (backup archive).