Domisili korban dan lokasi kejadian yang benar adalah di Fallujah (Irak), tidak ada hubungannya dengan Zionis Israel dan Palestina seperti yang disebutkan di narasi. Selengkapnya di bagian PENJELASAN dan REFERENSI.
(1) Pertanyaan oleh salah satu anggota FAFHH.
(2) http://bit.ly/2JKwY6m, post oleh akun Facebook “Mursyidi Lucky”. Sudah dibagikan 59.643 kali per tangkapan layar dibuat.
(3) http://bit.ly/2Mg8FMg, post oleh Page Facebook “Ustadzah Oki Setiana Dewi” (@UstadzahOkiSetianadewifanss). Sudah dibagikan 4.120 kali per tangkapan layar dibuat.
(1) “Kuasa allahh .. seorang syekh palestina yang sedang ibadah di masjidil aqsa ditembak oleh zionis israel ..dengan kuasa allah peluru sniper zionis yang sebesar jempol tidak bisa menembus kepala syekh ..”
(2) “Kuasa Allah .. seorang syekh palestina yang sedang ibadah di masjidil aqsa ditembak oleh zionis israel ..dengan kuasa Allah peluru sniper zionis yang sebesar jempol tidak bisa menembus kepala syekh..
yg bagikan dengan ikhlas semoga rezekinya melimpah Aamiin.”
http://bit.ly/2rhTadC, firsdraftnews.org: “Konten yang Salah
Ketika konten yang asli dipadankan dengan konteks informasi yang salah”.
(1) http://bit.ly/2HEmZdJ, omglmaowtf.com: “Man Gets a 12.7mm Russian Bullet Lodged in His Head, But it Fails to Penetrate His Skull
A story on an Arabic web site shows this lucky man from Fallujah who survived a shot to the head. The bullet somehow failed to penetrate his skull.
I’d Be Smiling Too If I Survived a Gunshot to the Head
These photos are reportedly sparking a ton of social media interest among Iraqis. The man is pictured at the Fallujah General Hospital.
Here the Man is at a Fallujah Hospital Awaiting a Doctor to Remove it Properly
Although the bullet looks a lot like a .50 caliber, it is actually a Russian 12.7 mm. It must have been deflected numerous times before reaching this destination.
That is One Big Ass Bullet!
As clashes continue to grow between rebel forces and al-Maliki, innocent people simply praying are getting hit by stray shots.
At least Sheikh Mohammed Obaid Al-Rawi was fuck’n lucky enough to survive, for now.”
(2) http://bit.ly/2JAT1Jz, alarabiya.net: “The story of Falluji, who failed bullets to penetrate his head
Last Updated: Sunday 12 October 1435 – August 10, 2014 KSA 12:05 – GMT 09:05
Date Published: Sunday 12 October 1435 – August 10, 2014 KSA 20:00 – GMT 23:00
Source: Dubai Mohammed Al Arab
Activists exchanged social media pictures of a man from the city of Fallujah at the end of his fourth contract, appeared in Fallujah General Hospital smiling and a bullet planted in the head clearly, which sparked controversy among Iraqis.
Some commentators commented on the picture as a “vehicle” through the “Alfotoshob” program, but “Arabic.Net”, was able to reach the owner of the picture, an Iraqi citizen Sheikh Mohammed Obaid Al-Rawi.
Al-Rawi said in a telephone conversation that the picture was real. He was referring to the al-Haj Nazzal mosque in the Nazzal district of central Falluja to perform the evening prayers, but as he passed through the street, clashes broke out between the tribal rebels and al-Maliki’s forces.
“It was only moments before my vehicle was hit by bullets from Maliki’s forces. Nevertheless, I continued my way to escape the clashes. I did not feel a pain in my head and a bullet was planted in it until after the stop, so I immediately went to Fallujah Hospital to get the bullet.
Sheikh Al-Rawi confirmed that Falluja is facing a war of genocide and collective punishment, indicating that the people of Fallujah are known for their courage and generosity, and that targeting them in this systematic way is targeting the good of Iraqis.
The final result of the targeting of the city of Fallujah since the outbreak of the anti-Maliki movement is 665”
(Google Translate Chrome plugin).
Sumber: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fafhh/permalink/655623524770186/, https://www.facebook.com/MafindoID/posts/1169726553166981