“Humas PT BIJB Aradea Adisudarma menyangkal foto-foto tersebut adalah bagian dalam interior terminal BIJB Kertajati.”
http://bit.ly/2GLzsQx, Page KataKita. Sudah dibagikan 2.746 kali per tangkapan layar dibuat.
Hadiah dari Jokowi untuk Provinsi “paling syaringah” di Indonesia.
Salah1 balasan sangat manis untuk Provinsi dimana Jokowi, Sang Presiden Indonesia terpilih justru kalah di PilPres 2014 !
Jokowi kembali membuktikan bahwa dirinya benar-benar BEKERJA NYATA !
Sekaligus salah1 alasan kenapa JaBar harus ada ditangan pemimpin yang TEPAT ! Yang sejalan dengan Pemerintah Pusat !
Jawa Barat…
Buka Mata, Buka Telinga, Pakai Hati Nurani !
Tahu kenapa Jokowi harus 2 Periode ?
Samuel Tanujaya”.
Foto ketiga dan kedua dari post tersebut adalah foto interior Muscat International Airport, Oman.
(1) http://bit.ly/2H48JfF, “Walah, BIJB Kena Hoax Foto Suasana Bandara Kertajati Sudah Ramai
Senin, 2 April 2018 09:31 WIB
Dua foto yang sudah beredar di berbagai grup WhatsApp (WA) dibantah pengelola BIJB. FOTO: ISTIMEWA
MAJALENGKA-Beberapa hari terakhir ini ramai beredar sejumlah foto yang disebut-sebut bagian dalam Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB) Kertajati. Sejumlah grup WhatsApp (WA) bahkan ramai dengan foto-foto itu. Tapi pihak pengelola akhirnya menyangkal keaslian foto-foto tersebut.
Dalam foto-foto yang beredar tersebut tampak interior bangunan yang menggambarkan suasana mirip dengan terminal sebuah bandara. Lengkap dengan loket serta properti lainnya seperti kursi dan ruang tunggu, serta sejumlah tanaman hias dan tenan-tenan bisnis komersil di terminal.
Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB) Kertajati, Kamis (29/3). Hari ini (Senin (2/4)) Menhub Budi Karya Sumadi dan Gubernur Ahmad Heryawan dijadwalkan mendarat di Kertajati. FOTO:ANDI AZIS MUHTAROM/RADAR MAJALENGKA
Sementara, pantauan Radar pekan lalu, tepatnya di terminal Bandara Kertajati, belum ada sudut dalam terminal bandara yang menggambarkan persis seperti tampilan pada foto-foto yang beredar itu.
Adapun area lantai 3 Bandara Kertajati yang sebagiang merupakan area publik dan direncanakan dapat diakses oleh pengunjung umum (non penumpang), hingga Kamis (29/3) lalu masih belum selesai pengerjaannya. Dan belum bisa diakses siapa pun, kecuali para pekerja proyek di zona tersebut.
Pembangunan Terminal BIJB
Humas PT BIJB Aradea Adisudarma menyangkal foto-foto tersebut adalah bagian dalam interior terminal BIJB Kertajati. “Bukan di BIJB. Area itu (lantai 3, red) sih belum beres,” ujarnya saat dikonfirmasi Radar.
Area lantai 1 dan lantai 2 pun belum semuanya bisa diakses. Apalagi untuk pengambilan gambar. Sebab masih ada proses penyelesaian pekerjaan atap plafon. Sehingga, selain pekerja proyek, tidak diperkenankan masuk pada beberapa zona karena khawatir tertimpa material.
Kawasan Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB) Kertajati kini terlarang bagi pihak-pihak yang tak berkepentingan. Sterilisasi mulai dilakukan sejak Senin (26/3). FOTO:ANDI AZIS MUHTAROM/RADAR MAJALENGKA
Sementara itu, setelah pendaratan perdana Kamis (29/3) lalu, hari ini (Senin (2/4)) direncanakan akan dilakukan pendaratan lagi. Kali ini oleh Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi. Menub akan membawa serta Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan. (azs)”
(2) http://bit.ly/2pVytnc, “(foto)
New airport to receive passengers from 3pm
Oman Observer
March 15 – The new terminal building of the Muscat Airport will receive passengers from 3pm on March 20, said a statement from the authorities.
The first flight arriving at the new airport will be at 5.3o pom and the first departing flight from the new terminal will be at 6.50pm.
The statement added, “The last departure from the existing airport terminal will be at 2.45pm after which the airport will be closed.”
There will be flights between these times to allow the stakeholders to relocate to the new airport swiftly and efficiently.
http://bit.ly/2JcagAV < foto terakhir di laman tersebut.
(3) http://bit.ly/2pZpn82, “Thumbs up from airlines for Muscat International Airport new terminal
March 19, 2018 | 9:24 PM by Times News Service
A major upgrade to the travel infrastructure of the Sultanate, the new Muscat International Airport terminal will further improve the flying experience of the passengers. Photo-Supplied
Thumbs up from airlines for Muscat International Airport new terminal
Thumbs up from airlines for Muscat International Airport new terminal
Muscat: Representatives of major airlines flying into Oman are optimistic about the new airport passenger terminal opening in Muscat, saying the new airport is an upgrade in infrastructure and would improve the general flying experience.
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) country manager Shahzad Paracha said the new terminal would offer better, hi-tech facilities and make flying into and out of Muscat a better experience.
“You will find that passengers will enjoy their visit to the new terminal, provided they show up on time. We would like passengers to show up at least four hours early, at least in the beginning as everybody needs to get used to the facility,” said Paracha.
“One needs to walk for at least 15 minutes from the counter to the boarding area. Then, there is immigration in between, besides the fact that it is a silent airport. Show up early to have a hassle-free, enjoyable experience. There will be hotels, theatres and other activities. It’ll be great for passengers in transit as well,” he added.
Paracha also said there would be no congestion at the new terminal, adding the new conveyor belts, and efficient handling of baggage and passengers would ensure a smooth flying experience.
Air India country manager Mahesh Choudhary also said the opening of the new terminal was good news for them. “We are looking forward to the opening of the new airport terminal. It will provide better amenities to passengers. It will also boost traffic on our flights by allowing more people on our flights or, for that matter, other airlines,” he said.
Wasim Zaidi, General Manager, Oman of Jet Airways, said: “We’re proud that the Oman government and Oman Airports Management Company (OAMC) will finally be opening the new international airport terminal with improved facilities and infrastructure. This will help with passenger facilitation. It is a world class airport, which will herald better traffic potential for Oman.”
Rajan Jayaraman, area manager of Kuwait Airways, said it was a step up for Omani infrastructure. “It’ll certainly make it easier to handle customers and help boost air traffic. Now, we’ll have a bigger airport and more slots will be open for the same.
“ Technologically speaking, buses will be replaced by aerobridges. This will help save time. Overall, the latest equipment would mean better infrastructure and a smooth flying experience,” he added.
Sharuka Vikramadittiya, Sri Lankan Airways country manager, said there had been sufficient preparations which made him confident about flying from the new terminal.
“There have been a series of presentations, briefings, and we as an airline, are convinced that we are ready. It is a huge airport with more check-in facilities and we are certainly looking forward to it. Aerobridges will help save time, besides making it easier for old and infirm passengers to board,” he remarked.”
http://bit.ly/2Gs4AVI < tautan ke foto.
(4) http://bit.ly/2Jd0Fds, Google Maps: Muscat International Airport (MCT), Muscat, Oman.
Sumber: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fafhh/permalink/622299194769286/