[SALAH] “Polling Untuk Membangun KUIL atau MASJID di Atas Tapak Masjid Babri yang diruntuhkan” | [FALSE] “Polling to Build Temple or Mosque over Demolished Babri Mosque”

The Economic Times: “Situs web palsu pemerintahan UP menjalankan poll jajak pendapat mengenai kuil Ram”, Hindustan Times: ” Situs web palsu pemerintahan UP mengadakan poll mengenai sengketa Ram Mandir – Masjid Babri”. Sudah ada setidaknya dua media kredibel yang menginformasikan bahwa poll tersebut palsu, untuk pesan yang beredar di Indonesia sudah diterjemahkan dan tautan dirubah ke http://indiavoting.org/ayodhya/.

The Economics Times: “Fake UP govt website runs opinion poll on Ram Temple”, Hindustan Times: “Fake UP govt website conducts poll on Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid dispute”. There are already at least two credible media informed that the poll is fake, for the message circulating in Indonesia it is already translated to Bahasa Indonesia and URL changed to http://indiavoting.org/ayodhya/.


Disinformasi | Disinformation.


Pesan berantai Whatsapp | Whatsapp broadcast message.



(1) The Economics Times: “Fake UP govt website runs opinion poll on Ram Temple

ET Online|Updated: Mar 24, 2017, 03.49 PM IST

A fake website—ayodhya-issue.gov-up.in—named deceptively like the website of the Uttar Pradesh government—up.gov.in—is running an opinion poll on the Ayodhya Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute, creating the impression as if the poll is run by the government.

A large number of people have been deceived into believing that the Uttar Pradesh government is running the poll towards creating a consensus on the issue.”, selengkapnya di https://goo.gl/wacDa6 | go to https://goo.gl/wacDa6 for complete article.


(2) Hindustan Times: “Fake UP govt website conducts poll on Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid dispute

The website – www.ayodhya-issue.gov-up.in – with its URL misleadingly similar to the UP government’s official website also carries a photograph of chief minister Adityanath.

INDIA Updated: Apr 10, 2017 07:23 IST

Gulam Jeelani and M Tariq Khan
Hindustan Times, New Delhi/Lucknow

The Supreme Court, on March 21, had suggested an amicable out-of-court settlement to the decades-old dispute.(AFP file photo)

Close on the heels of the Supreme Court suggesting an out-of-court settlement to the Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi issue, a fake UP government website has initiated a sort of referendum on the disputed structure in Ayodhya, attributing the initiative to the state’s new chief minister Yogi Adityanath.”, selengkapnya di https://goo.gl/trPSSV | go to https://goo.gl/trPSSV for complete article.


Dipublikasikan juga dalam Bahasa Inggris karena SUMBER berasal dari luar Indonesia | Also published in English because SOURCE is originated from outside of Indonesia.


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