[BENAR] “Dengan Air Mata PM Kanada Menyambut Pengungsi dari Suriah” | [TRUE] “With Tears PM of Canada Welcomed the Refugees from Syria”

Peristiwa di tahun 2016, sumber-sumber foto saya sertakan di bagian REFERENSI. Hal kedua yang perlu diklarifikasi adalah mengenai “mengirim pesawat ke Suriah”, terkonfirmasi hal tersebut memang benar. Ketiga dan terakhir, mengenai “telah diberi status ‘penduduk permanen Kanada'”, terkonfirmasi juga benar.

Happened on 2016, please check REFERENCE section for sources of the photos. Second matter need to be clarified is regarding “sent a plane to Syria”, which confirmed as true. Third and last, regarding “have been given status of ‘Permanent Resident of Canada'”, which also confirmed as true.


Klarifikasi | Clarification.



(1) Pertanyaan dari salah satu anggota FAFHH | Question from one of the member of the forum.
(2) https://goo.gl/vfgJT3, sudah dibagikan 59.330 kali ketika tangkapan layar dibuat | https://goo.gl/vfgJT3, already shared 59.330 times when screenshot was taken.



“Dengan air mata pm kanada menyambut pengungsi dari Suriah. Dia mengirim pesawat ke Suriah untuk membawa orang-orang Suriah. Dia berkata kepada mereka “ini adalah rumah anda”. 25000 pengungsi Suriah telah dibawa ke kanada sampai sekarang. Mereka semua telah diberi status ‘penduduk permanen Kanada’.
Dia adalah kebanggan dunia!
Dia adalah pahlawan besar saat ini.”

“With tears PM of Canada welcomed the refugees from Syria.He sent a plane to Syria to bring Syrian people. He said to them ” This is your home”.25000 Syrian refugees have been brought to Canada till now.They all have been given status of ‘Permanent Resident of Canada’.
He is the Pride of the world!
He is a great hero of the time.”



(1) The Independent: “News > People
Justin Trudeau cries as he is reunited with Syrian refugee he welcomed to Canada a year ago
Mr Trudeau says welcoming Syrian refugees last year as a newly elected Prime Minister proved he could do a good job”, selengkapnya di https://goo.gl/VyiMeS | go to https://goo.gl/VyiMeS for more.


(2) https://goo.gl/xYsGAN, @jenanmoussa: “Amazing. #Canada PM @JustinTrudeau personally welcoming #Syria refugees. @akhbar”. Tautan langsung ke foto > https://goo.gl/qZ98Xh | Direct URL to the photo > https://goo.gl/qZ98Xh.


(3) News 1130: “Trudeau leads Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa
Posted Jul 1, 2016 1:22 pm PDT”, selengkapnya di https://goo.gl/fqBnjv | go to https://goo.gl/fqBnjv for more.


(4) https://goo.gl/AxxUCk, “Canada welcomes its first 162 Syrian refugees, in stark contrast with the United States

FRANCE 24 English
Published on Dec 11, 2015

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After months of promises and weeks of preparation, the first Canadian government planeload of Syrian refugees landed in Toronto on Thursday, aboard a military aircraft met by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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Gambar thumbnail pesawat CC-150 Polaris milik Angkatan Udara Kanada muncul sekejap pada saat proses memuat video | The thumbnail picture of CC-150 Polaris plane owned by Royal Canadian Air Force appeared briefly during the process of video loading.


(5) “Overview
The CC-150 Polaris is a multi-purpose, twin-engine, long-range jet aircraft. It can be used for passenger, freight or medical transport and air-to-air refueling. The Polaris can reach a speed of up to 1029 km/h carrying a load of up to 32,000 kilograms. It can carry up to 194 passengers, depending on the particular aircraft tail number and configuration.”, selengkapnya di https://goo.gl/a4ECDm | go to https://goo.gl/a4ECDm for more.


(6) Global News: “After that, there will be an official welcome
At the airport, individuals who pass the checks will become permanent residents of Canada. All will then continue on to a welcome centre. In Toronto, that will be at the airport. In Montreal, it will require a short bus ride.”, selengkapnya di https://goo.gl/MrcFrE | go to https://goo.gl/MrcFrE for more.



Dipublikasikan juga dalam bahasa Inggris karena SUMBER berasal dari luar Indonesia | Also published in English because the SOURCE is originated from outside of Indonesia.


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