Klarifikasi Resmi Dari U.S. Embassy Jakarta Mengenai Hoax Warning Message Yang Dikirimkan Sebelum Kejadian Bom Di Sarinah
“Clarification of Issuance of Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens
January 14, 2016
Following the heinous attack that took place today in Jakarta, the U.S. Embassy issued two Emergency Notifications for American Citizens living in Indonesia. These e-mails were sent from an emergency response network with a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) + 7 time stamp. The e-mails, sent at 11:44WIB and 12:36WIB respectively, were sent to registered American citizens to keep them apprised of the latest developments and provide important safety information for our citizens abroad. This information was also posted on the Embassy website at 12:16 WIB and 13:04 WIB. As Ambassador Blake conveyed earlier today via Twitter, we offer our condolences to the victims and their families of this heinous attack and stand ready to assist our Indonesian partners at this time.
Following the heinous attack that took place today in Jakarta, the U.S. Embassy issued two Emergency Notifications for American Citizens living in Indonesia. These e-mails were sent from an emergency response network with a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) + 7 time stamp. The e-mails, sent at 11:44WIB and 12:36WIB respectively, were sent to registered American citizens to keep them apprised of the latest developments and provide important safety information for our citizens abroad. This information was also posted on the Embassy website at 12:16 WIB and 13:04 WIB. As Ambassador Blake conveyed earlier today via Twitter, we offer our condolences to the victims and their families of this heinous attack and stand ready to assist our Indonesian partners at this time.” http://jakarta.usembassy.gov/mobile/news/pr_160114en.html
Berikut ini paste dari message saya ke pihak U.S. Embassy Jakarta:
“Hi U.S. Embassy Jakarta,
Above is screen shot of “Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens Regarding Sari Pan Pacific Hotel and Sarinah Plaza” circulating in social media and Whatsapp groups, which stated you have sent the email several hours before the event happen. Please clarify this, anounce your clarification trough your social media account before this hoax spreads even more.”
“Hi Aribowo, we have published the clarification regarding this on our website (yesterday): http://jakarta.usembassy.gov/news/pr_160114en.html
Thank you for your kind concern.
Best regards.”
“Hi U.S. Embassy Jakarta,
You’re most welcome. The hoax is already debunked on the evening by several anti hoax group and also appear in some credibel national media, one of them is Detik ( http://m.detik.com/…/penjelasan-kedubes-amerika-serikat-ter…).
Thank you for your time.”