Not an illustration of Corona Virus COVID-19 but spaghetti. Billboard above Captain America’s left shoulder, Steve Rogers is an ad for Barilla paste.
(English version of [SALAH] “Di film kapten amerika, capten steve bangun pada masa modern dan kamu bisa lihat virus corona” – https://bit.ly/2YBSW0O)
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Category: Misleading Content
The costumarvel account ( fb.com/100973851645751 ) uploads a picture with the narration as follows:
“In the Captain America, Captain Steve wakes up in modern times and you can see the corona virus Repost @ marvel2k19__ • Follow me for more #anthonymackie #sebastianstan #wyattrussell #zemo #disneyplus #thefalconandthewintersoldier #thanosdidnothingwrong # blackpane endgame #infinitywar #chrisevans #chrishemsworth #captainamerica #thor #falconandthewintersoldier #hawkeye #infintywar #marvelindonesia #marvelindo #konspir “
In the uploaded picture, there is an English-language narrative as follows: “IN CAPTAIN AMERICA, STEVE ROGERS AWAKENS IN MODERN TIMES, AND YOU CAN SEE A CORONA AND A VIRUS”, “DID YOU KNOW?” and “DON’T LIE TO ME ROGERS, DID YOU KNOW?”

Source: https://archive.md/4wXLh (Archive)
Based on search results, the claim that in the film “Captain America: The First Avenger” in 2011, we can see the Corona virus is a false claim.
Not an illustration of Corona Virus COVID-19 but spaghetti. Billboard above Captain America’s left shoulder, Steve Rogers is an ad for Barilla paste.
Reporting from India.com , a film critic named William Mullally from The Cutaway, wrote a number of tweets to debunk and clarify that it is not a viral symbol on the Marvel Studios film billboard.
Quoted from a tweet written by William Mullally on his Twitter account (twitter.com/whmullally) on June 11, 2020, the contents of the billboard above Captain America’s left shoulder are not symbols of Corona Virus COVID-19 but are spaghetti.
Based on a fact-checking article by Snopes.com entitled “Did ‘Captain America’ Movie Predict the Coronavirus Pandemic?”, It was explained that the image on the billboard was a general billboard design, which showed Barilla paste in the form of fireworks.
The ending scene “Captain America” was filmed on location in Times Square, which means many of the advertisements in the background were actually shown in New York in the real world around the time the film was filmed. This 2011 Shutterstock image, for example, shows many of the same billboards (including Corona Light beer and Barilla pasta ads that are claimed to be “coronavirus” signs) in Times Square.
Based on a video titled “Steve Rogers Wakes Up 70 Years Later” I Had A Date “Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)”, the billboard can be seen at 2:10.

https://www.india.com/viral/fake-news-film-critics-debunk-conspiracy-theorists-claims-of-captain-america-predicting-covid-19-and-george-floyd-protests-in -2011-4056838 /
https://www.adsoftheworld.com/ media / print / barilla_happy_new_year
https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/new-york -city-jan-7-nighttime-71745475
https: // www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZa82Xz1nys