MISLEADING claim over an actual occurrence, FACT: the shared video is anti-terror drill at Cologne Bonn airport by the German police on 2018.
More in the EXPLANATION and REFERENCES section.
CATEGORY: False Context.

SOURCE: Twitter, https://archive.ph/eaJR0 (backup archive).
NARRATIVE: “*Breaking News*
There is currently a mass shooting in a subway station in New York, USA.
The wounded were all Chinese. and most of them are students”.

Based on 7 Types of Mis- and Disinformation by First Draft News, classified as “False context: When genuine context is shared with false contextual information.” [1]

The SOURCE shared a video with false contextual information, which has caused a FALSE conclusion. FACT: the shared video is anti-terror drill at Cologne Bonn airport by the German police on 2018.
Video Verification

One of videos with correct context, Einsatzfahrten und so on YouTube at Nov 21, 2018: “Die Bundespolizei, die Polizei Köln, das Hauptzollamt Köln und der Flughafen Köln/Bonn trainierten in der Nacht vom 20.11. auf den 21.11.2018 …” [2]
Other Related Reference

The Associated Press at Nov 21, 2018: “BERLIN (AP) — German police have conducted a large-scale anti-terror drill at Cologne-Bonn airport, in the west of the country, amid ongoing concerns about the threat posed by Islamic extremists. …” [3]

JATOSINT on Twitter [4]
[1] firstdraftnews.org: “Understanding Information disorder”, https://bit.ly/34P3vBc / https://archive.md/02Dro (backup archive).
[2] youtube.com: “Exklusiv: Spezialeinheiten im Einsatz bei Anti-Terror-Übung im Flughafen Köln/Bonn 21.11.18 + O-Ton”, https://bit.ly/3SKpvUh / https://archive.ph/TqdYF (backup archive).
[3] apnews.com: “German police conduct anti-terror drill at Cologne airport”, https://bit.ly/3NrbytC / https://archive.ph/nFpiM (backup archive).
[4] twitter.com, https://bit.ly/3sJugTO / https://archive.ph/K9SKy (backup archive).