Not all photos uploaded by the source claim to be related to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.
(English version of [SALAH] Foto “pandemi flu 1918” – https://bit.ly/2DApqSR)
Details in the EXPLANATION and REFERENCE section
Category: Wrong Content
Shankhadeep Das’ account ( fb.com/100004303534177 ) uploaded several photos with the following narration:
“I found these photos of 1918 flu pandemic. So relatable… ”

Source: https://archive.md/UrIgN (Archive)
Based on the search results, some photos which claim to depict the atmosphere during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic are false claims.
In fact, not all photos uploaded by the source claim to be related to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.
Quoted from AFP, here is the full explanation:
1. Photo of two women wearing plastic conical masks.
The photo is from 1939 in Montreal, Canada. According to the website of the Dutch national archives and the Spaarnestad Collection, a conical face covering is used for snow protection.
2. Photograph of two women covering their heads and bodies with plastic.
The photo was taken in 1953. At that time plastic was used as a coat to avoid the stinging effects of the smog that blanketed Philadelphia for the second day in a row, November 20, 1953.
3. Photo of two women wearing masks and walking.
Photo taken five years before the Spanish flu outbreak. A spokesman for the German photo agency Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo, who said it showed a “nose veil” fashion in 1913.
4.Photo of two women pushing strollers wearing masks.
Photo taken on June 9, 1941. “Gas Test, June 9th 1941: A gas masked young mother attends to her child’s pram gas mask during a surprise gas test in Kingston,” reads the statement on the Getty Images website.
5. Advertising Image “Bell Telephone. When In Qurantine “
The advertisement dates from 1910. Another ad that is meant to show life during the pandemic. It appeared in the St Louis Post-Dispatch on November 17 and although Bell Telephone was marketed as a way for people to stay in touch while in quarantine, it was years before the flu pandemic but at a time when other disease outbreaks broke out.
6. Picture of the poster “Stay At Home It Has Never Been Easier To Save Lives”
Poster for 2020, as a form of invitation to fight the new coronavirus by French illustrator Mathieu Persan. This poster was uploaded on Mathieu Persan’s Instagram account on March 13, 2020.
AFP has also searched for other photos. The photos include a photo of a woman wearing a mask, mask hoses, and several people wearing masks. The photos turned out to be true of the 1918 flu pandemic.
Another image traced back to the start of the outbreak was published recently by The New York Times as part of a story about the pandemic’s deadly impact on Philadelphia. The photograph of a sign on the tram reading “Spit spreads death” is an image recognized by The College of Physicians of Philadelphia’s Medical History Library and is dated October 1918.
One of the more popular images on the internet that resurfaced during Covid-19 depicts a family protecting against infection with cloth masks, including one made for their pet cat.
https://www.liputan6.com/cek-fakta/read/4324534/cek- facts-circulating-photo-atmosphere-during-pandemic-flu-Spain-1918-is true
https://www.medcom.id/telusur/cek-fakta/MkMGWQmN-cek-fakta-foto-suasana-saat-pandemi -flu-spanish-1918-hoax-the-facts