NOT Retno Marsudi, the person who spoke in the video is Ani Widyani. Senior Lecturer of Universitas Indonesia, NOT the Foreign Minister.
Misleading Content.

The “Free West Papua” account (twitter.com/FreeWestPapua), shared 44 times per screenshot was made.
https://archive.md/f9pFz (backup archive).
“Indonesian Foreign Minister #RetnoMarsudi says her government is “overwhelmed” by the #ULMWP leadership of #WestPapuans who have made #WestPapua a “global phenomenon”.
There is nothing Indonesia can do to stop the world from supporting a #FreeWestPapua! #PapuanLivesMatter”

(1) First Draft News: “MISLEADING CONTENT
Misleading use of information to frame an issue or individual”.

* The SOURCE shared video of Bappenas RI’s event with false narrative/claim.
(2) Related sources to the event,

* Live streaming of the event @ Jun 29 2020, Bappenas RI: “diskusi kebijakan strategis pembangunan papua”.

* Event poster @ Jun 28 2020.
(3) Related to Ani Widayani,

* “Ani Widyani Soetjipto is Senior Lecturer at Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, since 1989. She received Master of International Studies in 1989 from the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Her areas of expertise include Gender and Woman;s Political Participation, Legislative Development, Indonesia Politics and Local Governance, International Relations, East Asian Studies and China Domestic and Foreign Policy Studies.”

(4) A correction from one of Indonesian Netizen,
* agungngurah: “Get your fact straight man. That’s Ani Soetjipto, lecturer at the University of Indonesia”.
(1) firstdraftnews.org: “Fake news. It’s complicated.” http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, http://archive.md/eSihu (backup archive).
(2) “Bappenas RI” (youtube.com/channel/UCx-7i_Oqg5pDX_2EBG_XpeQ, verified account), https://bit.ly/31Yaasv / https://archive.md/Nf1r0 (backup archive).
(3) “Kementerian PPN/Bappenas” (facebook.com/bappenas), https://bit.ly/2BWhH0i / https://archive.md/eME8V (backup archive).
(4) Website Staff UI, https://bit.ly/31Z5SRL / https://archive.md/dStVR (backup archive).
(5) “agungngurah” (twitter.com/ngurahandy), https://bit.ly/3gAUr6O / https://archive.md/UhlnK (backup archive).