[FALSE] Videos of “Italian suicide who lost entire family to Corona”

The context of sharing date compared to the occurence original publication date is UNRELATED to Italy’s COVID-19 condition.


(English version of “[SALAH] Video “Italian millionaire terjun Dari bagunan, karena keluarga nya semua kena virus corona” https://bit.ly/3aCyQs9, with additional SOURCE).



False context.



* “National Consensus” Page (facebook.com/NationalConsensus), https://bit.ly/2XjDiZ9 (backup archive).

* “The Times Of Pakistan” Page (facebook.com/The-Times-Of-Pakistan-268667306657674), https://bit.ly/2Rmgkwr (backup archive).



* “The person committed suicide in the following video-clip belonged to Italy whose entire family members were dead caused corona virus and he also spread his whole wealth in the streets before suicide as the money couldn’t save the lives of his family.”

* “Italian man who has lost his entire family to Corona virus finally commit suicide at top of hotel.
YaAllah Raham 😢




(1) First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

More @ http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs / http://archive.md/eSihu (backup archive).

* The SOURCE shared videos of suicides UNRELATED to Italy’s COVID-19 condition.

* The SOURCE added false narrative which has caused wrong conclusion.

(2) Related videos,

* For the first video, “Jesucristo Viene YA” (facebook.com/JesucristoVieneYAA) @ Aug 22 2018.

https://bit.ly/3e6zX5F (backup archive).

* For the second video, Alt News: “According to the report, the police informed that a woman committed suicide by jumping from the roof of Hotel Valencia Center on December 24, 2019. The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Spain on January 31, 2020. The report states that the claims related to coronavirus are baseless.”

More @ https://bit.ly/2RmEAyG / https://bit.ly/2JLU7DW (backup archive).



* turnbackhoax.id: [FALSE] Video “Italian millionaire jumped from the building, because his family all got corona virus”

Google Translate, https://bit.ly/2JQTRDz / https://bit.ly/3e2NdIl (backup archive).