[FALSE] Photo of “Chaiyut Kaewplang”

Not Chaiyut Kaewplang, the correct name of the person in the photo is Tjipta Lesmana.




False context.



http://bit.ly/2Qg9BEO, an article by excelsior-me.com site

(Google Translate version).



“… We have a meeting with The director of the Arthritis Institute and the director of the Chaipayut Kaewplang Medical Association and asked him about the comments mentioned above. And provide the official position of the Ministry of Public Health regarding the development of new drugs …”

Open the URL on SOURCE section for more.



(1) http://bit.ly/2rhTadC / http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

* The SOURCE shared a photo of Tjipta Lesmana during his lecture session of Indonesian-Russian Relations at MGIMO University.

* The SOURCE added false narrative which does not matched with the fact that has caused false premise.

(2) ASEAN Centre: “February 26, Indonesian journalist and scholar Professor Dr. Tjipta Lesmana gave a lecture on new prospects of Indonesian-Russian Relations at MGIMO. …”

More @ http://bit.ly/2X8TLgq / http://bit.ly/37aWHho (backup archive).



(1) Google Maps: “Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Московский Государственный Институт Международных Отношений”

More @ http://bit.ly/372jP1r.

(2) Report by Yo (Peerapon Anutarasoat, facebook.com/peerapon.anutarasoat), Thailand Fact Checker partner of APAC Anti Hoax Network.

(3) http://archive.md/vPvZA, backup archive of SOURCE.

(4) http://bit.ly/2Ky2TGD, backup archive of SOURCE in original language.



Also published in English due to SOURCE is from outside of Indonesia.