[FALSE] “shameful acts of the extremist Hindus with the students #IndiaBloodyTerrorist”

Unrelated to Islam. The shared video is about “Ragging”, subjected to new students. Also, the event took place in Sri Lanka, not India.




False context.



http://bit.ly/2Nb03Jb “Toor Khan Suleman Khel” Facebook account (facebook.com/toor.khan.9444), shared 15,946 times when screenshot is taken.



“انتہـا پسند ہندووں کی مسلمـان یونیورسٹی کی طالبـات کـے ساتھ شرمنـاک حرکتیـں ان بہنوں کـے لئـے کـون آواز اُٹھائـے گا اگر ہم نہیں اُٹھائیں گے تو۔ 😢😢
ویڈیو کو اتنا شئیر کرو کہ دنیا کو بھارت کا اصـل چہـرہ پتہ چل سکـے کہ بھـارت دہشت گـرد ملک ہـے۔👊👊

#IndiaBloodyTerrorist 🇮🇳👈”.

(“The shameful acts of the extremist Hindus with the students of the university, who will raise their voice for these sisters if we don’t raise it. 😢😢
Share the video so much that the world can know the real face of India that India is a terrorist country

#IndiaBloodyTerrorist 🇮🇳👈”).



(1) http://bit.ly/2rhTadC / http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

* The SOURCE shared a video about “Ragging”.

* The SOURCE added false narrative which does not matched with the fact that has caused false premise.

(2) Several related articles:

* Wikipedia: “Ragging is the term used for the so-called “initiation ritual” practiced in higher education institutions in South Asian countries, including India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The practice is similar to hazing in North America, bizutage in France, praxe in Portugal and other similar practices in educational institutions across the world. Ragging involves abuse, humiliation or harassment of new entrants or junior students by the senior students. It often takes a malignant form wherein the newcomers may be subjected to psychological or physical torture.[1][2] In 2009 the University Grants Commission of India imposed regulations upon Indian universities to help curb ragging, and launched a toll-free ‘anti-ragging helpline’.[3]

Ragging is basically a subset of bullying. Unlike various complex forms of bullying, ragging is easily recognisable. …”

More @ http://bit.ly/2r6r8Vo / http://archive.md/66OwJ (backup archive)

* The Times of India: “FAKE ALERT: Video from Sri Lankan university shared with claims that it’s from India

The video is from Sri Lanka, and not from India. The video was shot in Eastern University, Sri Lanka. …”

More @ http://bit.ly/2WxMAOL / http://bit.ly/2N7Q5Ir (backup archive)



(1) Srilankabrief.org: “Another story about ragging in universities had made headlines last week. 19 senior students of Ruhuna University were remanded after being arrested over an incident where a new student from Gampaha had been inhumanly tortured during ragging. They had been arrested after the victim student, seemingly a courageous boy had published the nightmare he had to undergo in social media and had held a media conference to explain the grisly experience that he had had. …”

More @ http://bit.ly/2pz8sx1 / http://bit.ly/2PEU40T (backup archive).

(2) http://bit.ly/337CyGo, backup archive of SOURCE.


Source: http://bit.ly/2JI2PU9

Also published in English due to the SOURCE is using foreign language.