[HOAKS] “Cacing Hidup di Sarden” | [HOAX] “Living Worm in Sardine”

Cacing tidak akan bertahan hidup melalui proses pengalengan produk tersebut: “Ayam Brand bagaimanapun mengklarifikasi bahwa klip video yang beredar adalah tipuan. Dikatakan bahwa tidak mungkin cacing bertahan pada suhu tinggi dan tekanan sterilisasi makanan kaleng.” (Google Translate)
Worms wil not be able to survive through the product canning process: “Ayam Brand has however clarified that the video clip being circulated is hoax. It said that it is impossible for worms to survive the high temperatures and pressure of canned food sterilisation.”

Hoaks | Hoax.


(1) Pertanyaan dari salah satu anggota FAFHH | Question from one of member of the forum.
(2) https://goo.gl/LwmHbR, sudah dibagikan 37.843 kali ketika tangkapan layar dibuat | already shared 37.843 times when screenshot was taken.


“Jangan beli ini sardin buatan baru tadi saja kawan beli mahu makan satu kawan buka tuang di piring banyak cacing hidup baru saja kawan dia empo sama saya.”
“Do not buy this new sardine my friend just bought it about to eat open pour to the plate many live worms friend just info it to me.”


(1) https://goo.gl/4az7mG, Klarifikasi dari salah satu brand pembuat produk Sarden, yang meskipun brand berbeda karena standar proses pembuatan sama klarifikasi tersebut bisa dijadikan acuan: “Ayam Brand bagaimanapun mengklarifikasi bahwa klip video yang beredar adalah tipuan. Dikatakan bahwa tidak mungkin cacing bertahan pada suhu tinggi dan tekanan sterilisasi makanan kaleng.” (Google Translate).
Clarification from one of Sardine brand maker, although it is from different brand since product canning process is using the same standard the clarification can be use for reference: “Ayam Brand has however clarified that the video clip being circulated is hoax. It said that it is impossible for worms to survive the high temperatures and pressure of canned food sterilisation.”

(2) Pemasakan bagian dari pengolahan produk Sarden menurut standar FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization):
“4.1.1 Metode Mediterania Tradisional

Pra-memasak sarden di kaleng yang telah diisi dilakukan di pemasak uap otomatis. Tahap pertama adalah kapal uap, beroperasi pada suhu sekitar 95 ° C, melalui mana kaleng dilewatkan saat dipegang terbalik pada konveyor berlubang untuk memungkinkan masuknya uap dan drainase kondensat dan minyak secara simultan dari daging. Pada beberapa pre-cooker kaleng dikukus dalam posisi tegak tapi dibalik dan dikeringkan sebelum sampai ke tahap kedua. Tahap akhir dari pra-memasak adalah proses pengeringan yang berlangsung sekitar 130 ° C. Sebagai metode pra-memasak alternatif, beberapa canners menggoreng sarden mereka, tapi ini umumnya lebih mahal.

4.1.2 Metode Norwegia

Proses pengeringan dan pemasakan rokok berlangsung di oven bebas asap rokok. suhu yang diatur agar sesuai dengan ukuran dan kandungan lemak ikan; Suhu masuk yang khas adalah antara 40 ° dan 60 ° C, sedangkan suhu outlet normal antara 120 ° dan 140 ° C. Proses pengeringan dan pengeringan total memakan waktu sekitar satu jam. Udara panas untuk pengeringan berasal dari penukar panas dengan uap panas, sedangkan asapnya dihasilkan dengan membakar kayu ek atau keripik kayu keras lainnya. Pengambilan uap air di oven bebas asap mencegah pelepasan air berlebih saat melakukan retort. dan penambahan asap memberi rasa khas sarden. Dalam beberapa kasus, canners menggunakan minyak rasa artifisial untuk memberi rasa “asap”. namun. Bila teknik ini digunakan harus ada deklarasi yang menyertainya pada label; Dalam keadaan seperti ini, tahap-tahap lain dari proses serupa dengan yang dijelaskan di lini produksi gaya Mediterania.” (Google Translate), selengkapnya di https://goo.gl/MJYztw
Cooking as part of Sardine product processing according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) standard:
“4.1.1 Traditional Mediterranean method

Pre-cooking of the sardines in filled cans is carried out in automatic steam cookers. The first stage is a steamer, operating at around 95 °C, through which the cans pass while held inverted on perforated conveyors to allow simultaneous entry of the steam and drainage of condensate and oil exuded from the flesh. In some pre-cookers the cans are steamed in the upright position but inverted and drained before passing to the second stage. The final phase of pre-cooking is a drying process taking place at around 130 °C. As an alternative pre-cooking method, some canners fry their sardines, but this is generally more expensive.

4.1.2 Norwegian method

The drying and smoking process takes place in the smoking oven. the temperature of which is set to suit the size and fat content of the fish; typical inlet temperature is between 40° and 60 °C, while normal outlet temperature is between 120° and 140 °C. The total drying and smoking process takes approximately one hour. The hot air for drying is derived from steam heated heat exchangers, while the smoke is generated by burning oak or other hardwood chips. The removal of moisture in the smoking oven prevents the release of excess water during retorting. and the addition of smoke gives the sardines their characteristic flavour. In some instances canners use artificially flavoured oil to impart the “smoked” taste. however. when this technique is used there must be an accompanying declaration on the label; in these circumstances the other stages of the process are similar to those described in the Mediterranean style production line.
…”, go to https://goo.gl/q4iRft for complete content of the publication.


Dipublikasikan juga dalam bahasa Inggris karena hoax berasal dari luar Indonesia.
Also published in English because the hoax origin is from outside of Indonesia.

Sumber: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fafhh/permalink/606244183041454/