[DISINFORMASI] “Berarti Selama Ini Kita Nyimeng dengan Kearifan Lokal”

“(1) Memang betul di Amerika peredarannya dilarang KECUALI dengan ijin: “In order to buy this seed, the grower MUST have a valid permit from APHIS to grow this crop (see above) AND buy the seed from a company that has a valid permit to sell the seed.” (Untuk membeli bibitnya, yang menanam HARUS memiliki ijin valid dari APHIS untuk menumbuhkan tanamannya (lihat di atas) DAN membeli bibit di perusahaan yang memiliki ijin valid untuk menjual bijinya.), selengkapnya di poin (5) bagian REFERENSI.
(2) “Dan sebuah penelitian yang dilansir Clearwhitelight.org menunjukkan, dalam morning glory (kangkung) terkandung senyawa mirip LSD. Pada 1959, Ethnobotanis, Richard Schultes mengirim sampel dari pembudidayaan morning glory di Meksiko, Turbina corymbosa, ke penemu LSD Albert Hoffman. Hoffman kemudian menganalisis benih dan mengatakan tanaman itu mengandung alkaloid ergoline. Ini memang agak sulit diterima ketika ditemukan bahan kimia mirip yang dimiliki jamur ergot. Tapi Hoffman yakin bahwa benih itu memang mengandung Lysergic Acid Amida (LSA). Morning Glory dan beberapa benih tanaman lain mengandung LSA. LSA berbeda dengan LSD karena ia memiliki NH2 sedangkan LSD memiliki N (C2H5) 2. Selain itu, LSD lebih kuat 50 sampai 100 kali. LSA dianggap sebagai pendahulu LSD, meskipun jumlah LSA di berbagai benih berbeda sehingga kualitas obat yang terbuat juga akan berbeda.”, selengkapnya di poin (1) bagian REFERENSI.
(3) “Kangkung Menyembuhkan Semua!
Bibi-bibi di Asia Tenggara telah lama mempromosikan Kangkung sebagai ramuan ajaib universal untuk berbagai penyakit – segalanya mulai dari diabetes wasir sampai sulit tidur – sulit untuk membedakan antara fakta dan fiksi. Kangkung tidak akan menyembuhkan (kesulitan) ekonomi tetapi Kangkung jelas memiliki banyak kebaikan nutrisi: penyajian 100 gram mengandung air (90%), protein (3%), serat (3%), lemak (0,9%), karbohidrat (4,3% ), mineral (2%), nicotinamide (0.6mg), riboflavin (120mg), vitamin C (137mg) dan vitamin E (11mg). Juga mengandung karoten, asam amino termasuk polifenol (antioksidan), dan mineral seperti kalium, besi dan magnesium. Semua fakta tersebut membuat sayur sederhana ini menjadi makanan yang super. Hanya soal waktu sampai penggila kesehatan membuat jus berbahan Kangkung”, selengkapnya di poin (3) bagian REFERENSI.”


(1) Pertanyaan melalui Messenger.
(2) https://goo.gl/tN2k7t, sudah disebarkan 1.763 kali ketika tangkapan layar dibuat.
(3) https://goo.gl/WjmvbM, akun-akun yang membagikan post dari sumber di poin (2).

“Kangkung memang sangat digemari di Indonesia, untuk mendaptkannya pun sangatlah mudah, tapi jangan coba-coba menanam, menjual, atau membeli kangkung di Amerika Serikat.
Sebab di Amerika tanaman ini dilarang dan harus memiliki izin, karena kangkung berada dalam daftar gulma federal yang berbahaya yang terbentuk dari air tawar di iklim tropis.
Di bawah wewenang undang-undang dari Federal Noxious Weed Act, Layanan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Hewan dan Tanaman USDA (APHIS) melarang penjualan dan pembelian tanaman ini. Kecuali dapat izin yang dikeluarkan oleh USDA.
Dari hasil sebuah penelitian yang pernah dilakukan secara mengejutkan membuktikan bahwa kangkung memiliki kandungan yang secara karakter mirip LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). LSD sendiri di banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia, dikategorikan sebagai zat psikotropika dan dilarang peredarannya.
Berarti selama ini kita nyimeng dengan kearifan lokal.
Sumber: arah.com”.

(1) Memang betul di Amerika peredarannya dilarang KECUALI dengan ijin: “In order to buy this seed, the grower MUST have a valid permit from APHIS to grow this crop (see above) AND buy the seed from a company that has a valid permit to sell the seed.” (Untuk membeli bibitnya, yang menanam HARUS memiliki ijin valid dari APHIS untuk menumbuhkan tanamannya (lihat di atas) DAN membeli bibit di perusahaan yang memiliki ijin valid untuk menjual bijinya.), selengkapnya di poin (5) bagian REFERENSI.
(2) “Dan sebuah penelitian yang dilansir Clearwhitelight.org menunjukkan, dalam morning glory (kangkung) terkandung senyawa mirip LSD. Pada 1959, Ethnobotanis, Richard Schultes mengirim sampel dari pembudidayaan morning glory di Meksiko, Turbina corymbosa, ke penemu LSD Albert Hoffman. Hoffman kemudian menganalisis benih dan mengatakan tanaman itu mengandung alkaloid ergoline. Ini memang agak sulit diterima ketika ditemukan bahan kimia mirip yang dimiliki jamur ergot. Tapi Hoffman yakin bahwa benih itu memang mengandung Lysergic Acid Amida (LSA). Morning Glory dan beberapa benih tanaman lain mengandung LSA. LSA berbeda dengan LSD karena ia memiliki NH2 sedangkan LSD memiliki N (C2H5) 2. Selain itu, LSD lebih kuat 50 sampai 100 kali. LSA dianggap sebagai pendahulu LSD, meskipun jumlah LSA di berbagai benih berbeda sehingga kualitas obat yang terbuat juga akan berbeda.”, selengkapnya di poin (1) bagian REFERENSI.
(3) “Kangkung Menyembuhkan Semua!
Bibi-bibi di Asia Tenggara telah lama mempromosikan Kangkung sebagai ramuan ajaib universal untuk berbagai penyakit – segalanya mulai dari diabetes wasir sampai sulit tidur – sulit untuk membedakan antara fakta dan fiksi. Kangkung tidak akan menyembuhkan (kesulitan) ekonomi tetapi Kangkung jelas memiliki banyak kebaikan nutrisi: penyajian 100 gram mengandung air (90%), protein (3%), serat (3%), lemak (0,9%), karbohidrat (4,3% ), mineral (2%), nicotinamide (0.6mg), riboflavin (120mg), vitamin C (137mg) dan vitamin E (11mg). Juga mengandung karoten, asam amino termasuk polifenol (antioksidan), dan mineral seperti kalium, besi dan magnesium. Semua fakta tersebut membuat sayur sederhana ini menjadi makanan yang super. Hanya soal waktu sampai penggila kesehatan membuat jus berbahan Kangkung”, selengkapnya di poin (3) bagian REFERENSI.

(1) https://goo.gl/wRe7V1, “Sayur Kangkung Juga Mengandung LSD
Melly Febrida
23 Jan 2015, 20:30 WIB
Kangkung. Foto: galleryhip
Liputan6.com, Jakarta Kangkung di Indonesia dipercaya bisa membuat orang mengantuk usai menyantapnya. Dan ternyata di dalam kangkung ada kandungan yang mirip Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD).
Nama LSD menjadi terkenal ketika tersangka Mitsubshi Outlander maut positif menggunakan LSD, narkoba golongan I yang dikenal dengan nama Smile.
Sayuran yang kaya nutrisi dengan nama botani Ipomea aquatica memiliki banyak nama di sejumlah negara. Sebut saja water spinach, water morning glory, morning glory, water convolvulus, ong-choy atau swamp cabbage, swamp morning glory.
Dan sebuah penelitian yang dilansir Clearwhitelight.org menunjukkan, dalam morning glory (kangkung) terkandung senyawa mirip LSD. Pada 1959, Ethnobotanis, Richard Schultes mengirim sampel dari pembudidayaan morning glory di Meksiko, Turbina corymbosa, ke penemu LSD Albert Hoffman.
Hoffman kemudian menganalisis benih dan mengatakan tanaman itu mengandung alkaloid ergoline. Ini memang agak sulit diterima ketika ditemukan bahan kimia mirip yang dimiliki jamur ergot. Tapi Hoffman yakin bahwa benih itu memang mengandung Lysergic Acid Amida (LSA). Morning Glory dan beberapa benih tanaman lain mengandung LSA.
LSA berbeda dengan LSD karena ia memiliki NH2 sedangkan LSD memiliki N (C2H5) 2. Selain itu, LSD lebih kuat 50 sampai 100 kali.
LSA dianggap sebagai pendahulu LSD, meskipun jumlah LSA di berbagai benih berbeda sehingga kualitas obat yang terbuat juga akan berbeda.
Manfaat Kangkung
Kangkung memang sebagai makanan yang memiliki efek obat. Seperti dalam tulisan berjudul Water Spinach (Ipomea aquatica, Convolvulaceae) A food gone Wild karya Daniel F Austine disebutkan, kangkung dianggap sebagai pencahar, dan disarankan dikonsumsi dalam kondisi saraf tertentu seperti sulit tidur dan kepala sakit.
Ada juga yang mengatakan, tanaman ini bisa memberikan dampak menenangkan pada manusia seperti yang dilakukan McDonald (2006) yang menyebutnya sebagai hipnotis.
Makan kangkung diduga bisa membantu orang untuk tidur dan ia setuju memakan dalam jumlah yang cukup bisa membuat ngantuk.
Naples, M.L. 2005, dalam tesisnya berjudul Weeds of Rain Fed Lowland Rice Fields of Laos and Cambodia, disebutkan, makan banyak kangkung bisa memberikan efek yang menenangkan dalam kasus sulit tidur, stres, sakit kepala, kelemahan umum, dan leukorrhoea. Kangkung juga direkomendasikan untuk mengobati wasir.”
(2) https://goo.gl/a8nRfH, “Ethnobotany[edit]
Main article: Ergine
The seeds of many species of morning glory contain ergoline alkaloids such as the psychedelic ergonovine and ergine (LSA). Seeds of Ipomoea tricolor and Turbina corymbosa (syn. R. corymbosa) are used as psychedelics. The seeds of morning glory can produce a similar effect to LSD when taken in large doses, often numbering into the hundreds. Though the chemical LSA is not legal in some countries, the seeds are found in many gardening stores; however, the seeds from commercial sources are often coated in some kind or form of pesticide or methylmercury.[4] These coatings are especially dangerous if one has a history of liver disorders and may also cause neural damage.[5][6][7]”.
(3) https://goo.gl/eoCLV8, “Kangkung can kill you: Hazards (and health benefits) of a noxious weed
Wednesday, 15 Jan 2014
11:36 AM MYT
by j. kugan
There’s nothing like a celebrity endorsement – deliberate or otherwise. Why, even a humble vegetable like the water spinach can get its 15 minutes of fame. So we’re here to tell you what you really should know about the kangkung.
From rice fields, streams and swamps to the wok and then our tummies, the water spinach has now reached new levels of virality on the Internet, thanks to a stir-frying political and economic endorsement. But here are three things you might not know about Malaysia’s cheapest vegetable.
Invasion Of The Water Spinach!
Though kangkung is grown everywhere and grows anywhere in Southeast Asia – they call it phak bung in Thailand, rau mung in Vietnam, trokuon in Cambodia and kalmi shak in Bangladesh – in other parts of the world it’s despised as swamp cabbage. In America, it’s known as the Chinese water spinach and is officially designated by the Department Of Agriculture as a noxious weed. Abhorred as an invasive species, our beloved greenie has thrived in the wetlands of Texas, Florida and even California where its unstoppable, quick-growing hollow stems simply float over the indigenous flora and form ragged mats that choke and stagnate everything in its path. Alas, Americans have yet to acquiesce to this rural cuisine and popular wartime crop. Make it rabbit food or harvest the green plague and stir-fry it.
image: https://www.thestar.com.my/~/media/online/2014/01/15/04/03/fasciolopsis_buski_lifecycle.ashx?la=en
Killer Kangkung!
Kangkung’s indescribable blandness and crispy texture perfectly complement pungent ingredients like garlic, chilli and belacan. But be careful how you cook and eat it, or you could end up with a case of Fasciolopsiasis. It’s a condition caused by the Fasciolopsis buski, a large parasitic intestinal fluke that can be found as larval cysts laid on the water spinach (and several other water vegetables for that matter) in the hope that a reckless human will consume it raw. In humans and pigs, the cysts release the fluke that anchors itself to the wall of the intestine and causes indigestion, allergic reactions and abdominal pain. It’s a total gross-out and untreated cases can be fatal, so please fry or boil that kangkung good and proper before serving it.
Kangkung Cure-All!
Southeast Asian aunties have long promoted the Ipomoea aquatica as a universal magic potion for various ailments – everything from diabetes to haemorrhoids to insomnia – that it’s hard to differentiate fact from fiction. Kangkung won’t cure the economy but the water spinach is certainly full of nutritional goodness: A 100g serving contains water (90%), protein (3%), fibre (3%), fat (0.9%), carbohydrate (4.3%), minerals (2%), nicotinamide (0.6mg), riboflavin (120mg), vitamin C (137mg) and vitamin E (11mg). It also contains carotene, amino acids including polyphenol (an antioxidant), and minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium. All this makes the humble vegetable a veritable superfood. It’s simply a matter of time before health freaks start juicing the freak out of it.
On a final note, here’s a progressive remake of a musical tribute to the kangkung.
Additional reporting by Lennard Gui”.
(4) https://goo.gl/1RhLWq, “Ini Alasan Kenapa Kangkung Dilarang Keras di Amerika Serikat
tumisan kangkung (shutterstock)
Arah – Kangkung memang sangat digemari di Indonesia, untuk mendaptkannya pun sangatlah mudah, tapi jangan coba-coba menanam, menjual, atau membeli kangkung di Amerika Serikat.
Sebab di Amerika tanaman ini dilarang dan harus memiliki izin, karena kangkung berada dalam daftar gulma federal yang berbahaya yang terbentuk dari air tawar di iklim tropis.
Dilansir dari worldcrops.org di bawah wewenang undang-undang dari Federal Noxious Weed Act, Layanan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Hewan dan Tanaman USDA (APHIS) melarang penjualan dan pembelian tanaman ini. Kecuali dapat izin yang dikeluarkan oleh USDA.
Dari hasil sebuah penelitian yang pernah dilakukan secara mengejutkan membuktikan bahwa kangkung memiliki kandungan yang secara karakter mirip LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). LSD sendiri di banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia, dikategorikan sebagai zat psikotropika dan dilarang peredarannya.”.
(5) https://goo.gl/TRGDFr, “Water Spinach
Ipomoea aquatica
Water Spinach growing in Dracut, Mass. (Photo by Frank Mangan)
Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) is a member of the Convolvulaceae (Morning glory) family and the same genus as the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Water spinach is an herbaceous aquatic or semi-aquatic perennial plant of the tropics and subtropics. It has a creeping growth habit but may grow erect in water. There are two major cultivars of water spinach. Ching Quat, also known as “green stem” water spinach, has narrow leaves and white flowers and is usually grown in moist soils. Pak Quat, also known as “white stem” water spinach, has arrow-shaped leaves and pink flowers and is grown in aquatic conditions, similar to rice.
Almost all parts of the young plant tissue are edible, but the tender shoot tips and younger leaves are preferred. Other names of water spinach include: water convolvulus, swamp cabbage (English); kankon, you-sai (Japanese); ong tsoi, weng cai (Cantonese); toongsin tsai (Mandarin); kang kong (Filipino, Malaysian); kang kung, rau muong (Vietnamese); pak bung (Thai); batata acquatica, cancon (Portuguese).
Ipomoea aquatica is a federal noxious weed in the United States. Under authority of the Federal Noxious Weed Act, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) prohibits the importation and interstate movement of this species, except under a USDA-issued noxious weed permit. Water spinach is on the federal noxious weed list because it becomes an established weed in fresh water-ways in tropical climates. It has become an established weed in several southern states in the United States.
The UMass Extension Vegetable Team has worked with federal and state regulators to create a permitting system for the legal growth and sale of water spinach in Massachusetts. Since water spinach is extremely sensitive to frost, it does not pose a threat to water systems in Massachusetts. To find out about growing this crop legally in the United States, contact the APHIS web site for more information.
Water spinach is a frost sensitive plant. Optimal temperatures for growth are between 75° and 85° F and chilling injury can occur below 50° F. The cultivar Ching Quat is grown in moist soils, often in beds. Direct seed or transplants may be used. Many Asian growers in Massachusetts will soak the seed until germination to ensure the seed is viable. Growers plant in beds with 6 – 10 seeds per foot in rows that are 6 – 8 inches wide. Plant stems are not strong, but plants grown in beds support each other and produce longer stems with less branching, which is what the market prefers.
Water spinach needs much more water than most other vegetable crops. This increased irrigation can leach out readily available nutrients, so it is recommended to use slow-release forms of fertility. Harvest of the entire plant can be made 50 to 60 days after planting. Plants are harvested by cutting the stem close to the ground and then nitrogen is applied to encourage re-growth. Shoots regrow readily and in Massachusetts, growers will get two to three cuttings of water spinach before frost. The cultivar Pak Quat requires the same aquatic environment as paddy rice, meaning it can’t be grown viably in New England.
Tarnished plant bug adults (Lygus rugulipennis) feed on the succulent tissue where new leaves are developing in the leaf internodes. They pierce the tissue and inject a toxin into cells, which causes death of cell tissues, prevents the new leaves from developing, or causes distortion of the emerging leaf as it unfolds. A blackened, dead area at the growing tip is evidence of their feeding.
Tarnished plant bugs also cause holes in the leaves which enlarge with the leaf, often in a somewhat symmetrical pattern on the two halves of the leaf. Damage to the growing tip stops the elongation of the plants and stimulates more branching below. Since the markets prefer a longer-stemmed plant, this effect reduces marketability and delays harvest. Holes in the leaves also reduce the marketability of the greens.
Management of tarnished plant bug should begin with reducing favorable habitat surrounding the production area, including eliminating fallow, weedy areas. Use of row covers can exclude tarnished plant bugs. Insecticide registrations on this crop are limited since it is a noxious weed. Insecticides used should include only materials that have a broad label for all leafy green crops, such as neem.
Other leaf-feeding insects include the golden tortoise beetle (Metriona bicolor) which may be seen as adults which can change from shiny gold-colored to dull rust colored, or the larvae, which have the habit of piling frass on their backs. The spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi) may also be present. Both of these beetles cause chewing injury to leaves, but rarely reach numbers high enough to cause significant damage. Where natural enemies are excluded or with excessively high nitrogen levels, outbreaks of green peach aphid (Mysus persicae) can occur. High numbers of aphids cause leaves to curl. Insecticidal soap used at weekly intervals can reduce infestations. Normally, beneficial insects keep aphid populations below damaging levels.
Since water spinach is not nationally recognized as a legal food crop there are no pesticides specifically labeled for it. It is important not to use pesticides that are not labeled for the crop.
Two critical reasons for this are:
It is illegal
There is a risk that illegal or toxic residues will remain on the crop and harm those who eat it.
However, it would be legal to use pesticides that are labeled for the entire leafy vegetable crop group. The specific target pest does not have to be listed on the label but the leafy greens crop group must be on the label. Pay special attention to label restrictions regarding the days to harvest interval. In Massachusetts, there are general use insecticide products with the following active ingredients that are labeled for use on leafy vegetables; spinosad, neem, Beauvaria bassiana, and permethrin (dilute products with 0.25% active ingredient; please note that some permethrin products are restricted or do not have the leafy green crop group on the label). Water spinach requires rapid and careful post-harvest handling to maintain quality. Once harvested, shoot tips and leaves easily wilt. Cool in 50°F as soon as possible after harvest, and maintain high relative humidity with good ventilation. Produce should be used soon after harvest to minimize quality loss.
Water Spinach growing in Amnerst, Mass. This plant spacing is commonly used by Asian growers.
Seed Sources
In order to buy this seed, the grower MUST have a valid permit from APHIS to grow this crop (see above) AND buy the seed from a company that has a valid permit to sell the seed. At the time that this facts sheet was produced, only one seed company in the United States had been identified with a valid permit:
Fukuda Seed Store, Inc.
1287 Kalani St.
Honolulu HI 96817
808-841-6719 – phone
808 842-0295 – FAX”.

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Sumber: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fafhh/permalink/586305011702038/