[HOAX] Membuang Tisu Bekas di Wadah Makan atau Minum di Singapur Dikenakan Denda

SUMBER: Media Sosial

Mau kasih info aja, ada peraturan baru di Singapore, kalo habis makan jangan taruh bekas tissue di dalam piring atau mangkok krn dianggap menyebarkan virus sb tempat tersebut utk makan.
Ada denda $ 200.
Temen ku kasi info brsan yg tinggal dr Sgpore.
Pemerintah singapore lagi cari korban yg bisa dimeras dan bagi warga indonesia yg suka kesingapore harus lebih berhati-hati dan tolong kasih tau teman-teman yg sering ke singapore.. Makasih… Tolong di share supaya warga indonesia jangan sampai jadi sasaran empuk pemerintah singapore..

Sudah ada klarifikasi dari National Environmental Agency yg bertanggung jawab utk masalah lingkungan hidup dan kesehatan masyarakat bahwa hal tersebut adalah hoax:

SINGAPORE – There are many who would contend that Singapore is truly a “fine” nation, but the reality is often not as bad as it is made out to be.

The National Environment Agency (NEA) has come forward to debunk a message circulating online and on messaging applications such as WhatsApp that claims it issues a $200 fine for discarding used tissue into one’s bowl, plate or cup.

“We would like to clarify that NEA has not been issuing fines for such acts,” said NEA in a post on its Facebook page on Thursday (March 30).

“NEA would however like to remind members of the public to dispose of their rubbish properly after their meals as an act of graciousness towards cleaners and other patrons.”

The fake message warned in Mandarin and English of a “friend” who had fallen afoul of the fictitious fine.

