(DISINFORMASI) Klaim Jonru Bahwa Dunia Tidak Peduli Kepada Umat Muslim Korban Bom Turki

Sumber: Akun Media Sosial Jonru (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154408208899729&substory_index=0&id=68286339728)

Narasi: Bagi mereka, umat Islam yang terbunuh memang tidak penting untuk dibicarakan 🙁


Melalui media sosial miliknya, Jon Riah Ukur Ginting atau lumrah dikenal dengan nama Jonru mengungkapkan bahwa media massa dunia tidak melakukan pemberitaan duka bila terjadi tindakan terorisme di negara mayoritas muslim atau ada korban dari umat muslim. Di akun media sosialnya, dia menuliskan, “bagi mereka, umat Islam yang terbunuh memang tidak penting untuk dibicarakan.”

Selain menuliskan status itu, Jonru menyertakan gambar yang berisikan narasi yang juga provokatif. Narasi dalam gambar tersebut ialah “DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE TURKISH AIRPORT BOMBING YESTERDAY? NO? YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE IT’S A MUSLIM COUNTRY.”

Setelah menelusuri berbagai media massa dunia, ternyata klaim Jonru tersebut tidaklah benar. Sebab, media massa internasional tetap memberitakan peristiwa pemboman di Turki. Media tersebut di antaranya:

  1. The Wall Street Journal dengan Judul “Families Mourn Victims in Istanbul Airport Attack.” Berikut kutipannya:

[…] The first funerals were held Wednesday for some of the 42 victims killed in the attack at Istanbul Atatürk Airport.

Turkish television showed families outside hospitals, waiting for news of their injured family members, as some 100 were still being treated. Others waited to receive loved ones’ bodies outside the forensic hospital where autopsies were being performed.

Turkish customs employee Umut Sakaroglu, who was killed after shooting at one of the suicide bombers, was hailed by the country’s media as a hero.

“My nephew fired at the terrorist first,” his aunt told the state-run Anadolu news agency from a funeral home. “He tried to kill him. After that, the terrorist fell down on the floor, pulled the pin and detonated the bomb.”

Tunisian doctor Fathi Bayoudh was passing through Istanbul’s main international airport Tuesday night on a mission to bring home his son, an Islamic State fighter who had recently escaped the group, a Tunisian security official said

​​Dr. Bayoudh, the 58-year-old chief of Tunis military hospital’s pediatric department, went to Turkey in search of son Anouar, who had joined the terror group in Syria, the official said. His son had​since​left Syria and was in Turkish police custody preparing to be deported, he added. Family members couldn’t be reached for comment.

Dr. Bayoudh traveled to Istanbul ahead of his wife. He was awaiting her plane from Tunis when three suicide bombers attacked the airport’s international terminal and he was killed.

Another victim was Yusuf Haznedaroglu, a Turkish airport employee who had finished his shift at work and was killed while waiting for a bus home outside the terminal. He was to be married in a matter of days, family members said.

“All we know is that he was brought here heavily injured, and then we lost him. That’s all we know,” said the mother of Haznedaroglu’s fiancée, speaking to state television in front of the forensic hospital.

Among the other Turkish victims were a married couple and an interpreter whose wife was six months pregnant.

Many other victims were airport employees. Abdulhekim Bugda, 24, had initially marked himself as safe on Facebook’s Safety Check feature Tuesday evening. So it was all the more shocking the next day when his family discovered he had died. […]

  1. Euro News dengan Judul “Forensic teams identify victims of Ataturk airport attack as relatives mourn.” Berikut kutipan beritanya:

[…] Families and friends of those killed in the Ataturk airport attack have gathered at the Istanbul Forensic Institution where the bodies are being identified.

Our correspondent in Istanbul Bora Bayraktar said: “This is the place when the pain is most deeply felt after the terrorist attack. It’s here that the bodies are handed back to


Authorities continue to piece together events using CCTV footage and mobile phone videos made by terrified people.

A simple favour for a friend turned into tragedy for one man:“He was there to pick up a mutual friend from the airport. While they were leaving the attack happened. He was shot, a policeman smothered a suicide bomber. He sacrificed himself and saved many others.

We will take his body to our hometown. My friend was married with three children. I condemn terrorism.”

The assault on Ataturk airport is the sixth major attack this year on Istanbul or the Turkish capital, Ankara.[…]

  1. The Huffington Post dengan Judul “World Tweets Istanbul: We Have Your Back.” Berikut kutipan beritanya:

[…] The Turkish government’s attempts to block local access to social media and news outlets couldn’t stop people around the world from tweeting their support after Tuesday’s deadly attack on Istanbul’s international airport. The hashtags #PrayForIstanbul and #PrayForTurkey have been trending.

From the U.S., presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said “all Americans stand united with the people of Turkey.”

Others used touching artwork to offer their sympathies. Many of these images were created after past incidents of violence in the country, including a bombing in the Turkish capital that killed 37 people in March. […]

  1. The Daily Star dengan Judul “Turkey mourns after airport attack.” Berikut kutipan beritanya:

[…] Turkey has observed a national day of mourning after a gun and suicide bomb attack on Istanbul’s Ataturk airport killed 42 people, including 13 foreign nationals.

Three attackers arrived in a taxi and began firing at the terminal entrance late on Tuesday. They blew themselves up after police fired back.

Officials earlier said 239 people were injured, with 41 in intensive care.

PM Binali Yildirim said early signs pointed to so-called Islamic State.

CIA Director John Brennan also said it “bears the hallmarks” of the jihadist group.

However, no-one has so far admitted carrying out the attack.

Turkish investigators are examining CCTV footage, witness statements and mobile phone video recorded by terrified passengers to try to determine the identity of the attackers.

Authorities have suggested that they were foreign nationals but this has not been confirmed.

Yildirim said one of the attackers blew himself up outside the terminal, while the other two detonated explosives inside, the Associated Press news agency reports.

Footage on social media shows one moving through the building as people around him flee. He is shot by police and remains on the ground for about 20 seconds before blowing himself up.

Turkish Health Minister Recep Akdag said earlier that 128 people remained in hospital, including nationals of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Switzerland.

Turkish media say 42 people were killed, with a cafe worker dying late on Wednesday. Thirteen of those who died were foreign or dual nationals.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron said there were no reports yet of any British casualties, but the Foreign Office was in contact with Turkish authorities.[…]

  1. News Corp Australia Network dengan Judul “Explosions, gun shots hit Istanbul’s Ataturk airport: report.” Berikut kutipan beritanya:

[…] The first departures took off from Istanbul’s Ataturk international airport, as the major international transit hub partially resumed operations following a deadly attack that killed 41 people and wounded 239 others.

Planes had already begun landing just before dawn on Wednesday, after the airport – one of the largest in the region – had been totally shut for several hours following the attack the previous evening which was focused on the arrivals terminal.

Delays remained widespread after hundreds of flights were cancelled or postponed immediately after the attack.

Turkish Airlines, which had to cancel more than 340 flights, was offering refunds or alternative tickets, but there still was chaos for many travellers.

The building’s exterior and interior had suffered some damage in the multiple explosions and gunfights between police and the assailants. Workers were still cleaning up blood and people could still see bullet holes left behind from the terror attack.

The triple suicide bombing killed 13 foreign nationals.

A Turkish official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said five of the dead were from Saudi Arabia, two were from Iraq, and one from Tunisia, Uzbekistan, China, Iran, Ukraine and Jordan.

109 of the 239 wounded have been discharged from hospital.

No one has claimed Tuesday’s attack yet but Turkish authorities said they suspect Islamic State jihadists.[…]

Selain pemberitaan tersebut, masih ada beberapa media internasional lainnya yang melakukan pemberitaan mengenai tragedi pemboman di Turki. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa terorisme tetap memiliki nilai berita.

Meski begitu, perihal konten dan angle beritanya dikembalikan pada redaksi dari media masing-masing. Sebab, setiap media massa memiliki sudut pandang dan titik pandang berbeda-beda satu dengan lainnya.


The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/istanbul-airport-attack-victims-included-father-searching-for-son-1467241035

Euro News: http://www.euronews.com/2016/06/29/forensic-teams-identify-victims-of-ataturk-airport-attack-as-relatives-mourn

The Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/instanbul-twitter-support_us_57736fa3e4b0352fed3e694a

The Daily Star: http://www.thedailystar.net/world/turkey-mourns-after-airport-attack-1248148

News Corp Australia Network: http://www.thedailystar.net/world/turkey-mourns-after-airport-attack-1248148