[SALAH] Video “Polisi china telah menganiaya wanita uighur lehernya di cekik pake kaki”

Tidak terkait dengan aksi kekerasan terhadap etnis Uighur. Video yang diunggah pertama kali pada Desember 2018 itu adalah kejadian ketika seorang polisi tengah berupaya menahan seorang wanita yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran hukum di Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

Selengkapnya di bagian PENJELASAN dan REFERENSI
Kategori : Konten yang Salah

Akun Rezafzrz12 (fb.com/rezachanel12) mengunggah sebuah video pada 18 Desember 2019 pukul 16.56 dengan narasi :

“Polisi china telah menganiaya wanita uighur lehernya di cekik pake kaki ,melek tu yg bilang tidak ada penganiayaan Dan Ham diam seribu bahasa … Seolah” polisi itu berkata liat nanti giliran anda sama orang di sekitarnya biadab”

Narasi ini diubah oleh akun Rezafzrz12 pada 19 Desember 2019 pukul 18.53 dengan menghilangkan kata “uighur”

Sumber : https://perma.cc/7QLS-CYPV (Arsip) – Sudah dibagikan 6512 kali saat tangkapan layar diambil.



Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran yang dilakukan oleh anggota grup Forum Anti Fitnah, Hasut, dan Hoax (FAFHH) dan Tim CekFakta Liputan6, faktanya video tersebut sama tidak ada kaitannya dengan aksi kekerasan terhadap etnis Uighur.

Video yang diunggah pertama kali pada Desember 2018 itu adalah kejadian ketika seorang polisi tengah berupaya menahan seorang wanita yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran hukum di Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

Video tersebut kemudian mendapat kecaman, lantaran si polisi yang dianggap tidak manusiawi saat mengamankan wanita tersebut.
A police officer in south China has been caught pinning down a woman by the neck with his knee in an attempt to restrain her, sparking anger and accusations of police brutality.
The woman posted the shocking video and photos of her injured neck on social media on Saturday after the incident, saying she was traumatised physically and mentally after being violently treated by the policeman in Shenzhen, Guangdong.
However, the 23-year-old woman, identified by her surname Cheng, swiftly deleted the post and on Sunday published a statement thanking the Luohu district police for their ‘sincere communication and assistance’.
She added in her Weibo post that the issue had been resolved, asking people to stop commenting on the matter.
Cheng had called the police after a security guard at her hotel had been taking photographs of her, according to her now-deleted post.
However, the police refused to allow review surveillance footage with them and threatened her with a stun gun, demanding her leave the room, she claimed.
The video clip Cheng posted shows her being pinned down by the neck while she screamed out in pain and struggled to push the unnamed policeman off.
Another woman, identified as Cheng’s friend, tried to pull her away from him. The woman was left with a red and swollen face as she lay on the floor, out of breath.
The officer was heard yelling: ‘Get her out of here!’
The Luohu district police published a statement for the incident on Sunday, saying that the officer did not let Cheng review the CCTV footage with them due to privacy reasons.
However, Cheng, who was drunk, then pushed and hit the officer, who then retrained her with ‘his bare hands’ after she failed to stop attacking the policeman.
Cheng was later ‘educated on common law’ and ‘expressed understanding’, according to the police statement. The policeman’s actions were not addressed in the statement.
A separate CCTV footage published on Tuesday shows the verbal argument between the woman and the police officer escalating into a physical altercation as they pushed and hit each other.
The incident drew thousands of angry comments on Weibo, with net users accusing Chinese police of brutality.
‘This is one of the most shameless, hypocritical and evasive police statements I have ever read in my life,’ one top comment wrote.
‘I wouldn’t dare call the police in the future,’ another user said.
‘She almost suffocated! This is too much even if she was at fault,’ one user said.
In June 2016, a woman in Shenzhen claimed that an officer had beaten her up in when she went to report her missing bag. The police said the woman was drunk and had insulted the officer.


About Adi Syafitrah 1650 Articles
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