[SALAH] Hati-Hati Daging Manusia Impor dari China

Daging tersebut bukan daging manusia. Pada pameran yang berjudul Wesker and Son Resident Evil Human Butchery, daging-daging giling, yang asalnya dari hewan ternak, memang sengaja dibentuk seperti manusia atau bagian tubuh orang. Selegkapnya di PENJELASAN dan REFERENSI

Kategori : DISINFORMASI / Konten yang Salah

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“Hati-Hati Daging Impor dri China daging yg dia kelola daging manusia

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Kabar tersebut ternyata tidak benar. Penelusuran foto mengarah ke situs www.eurogamer.net yang pada 7 Juli 2018 silam memuat sebuah artikel.Judulnya adalah Capcom creates fake human meat market in East London: Resi represented in the meat space.

Dalam artikel itu dijelaskan, Capcom menjadi tuan rumah instalasi seni bertema Resident Evil di Smithfield Meat Market di London Timur.Pada pameran yang berjudul Wesker and Son Resident Evil Human Butchery itu, daging-daging giling, yang asalnya dari hewan ternak, memang sengaja dibentuk seperti manusia atau bagian tubuh orang.Daging-daging tersebut dijual selama pameran itu berlangsung dan hasilnya kemudian disumbangkan.”Capcom is hosting a Resident Evil-themed art installation this weekend at the Smithfield Meat Market in East London, Neatorama has reported.The exhibit is entitled Wesker & Son Resident Evil Human Butchery, and features actual meat being shaped into human body parts. Available for purchase, these consist of such items as peppered human & lemon sausages, J’avo caught human thigh steaks and pots made of red and green herbs,” demikian cuplikan dari artikel tersebut.Kabar bahwa China diduga mengekspor daging manusia juga marak beredar pada 2016. Konon China mengekspor daging manusia, yang dikemas sebagai kornet, ke Zambia Afrika.Namun, seperti dikabarkan BBC dalam artikel berjudul, China denies selling human flesh as tinned corned beef in Zambia in Africa, Kementerian Luar Negeri Tiongkok membantah kabar itu.Seperti dikutip dari Xinhua, asal-muasal isu itu berembus adalah sebuah tabloid di Zambia secara keliru mengutip pernyataan seorang perempuan yang tinggal di China.

Berikut isi artikel tersebut:

China’s foreign ministry has denied reports that Chinese food companies are canning human flesh and selling it in Africa as corned beef.
The country’s state-run Xinhua news agency said one tabloid newspaper in Zambia was falsely quoting an unnamed woman living in China.
She said Chinese firms were collecting dead human bodies, marinating them and packing them in tins.
Chinese spokesman Hong Lei said the reports were “irresponsible”.
The Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Yang Youming, said the reports were aimed at destroying the long-standing partnership between the two countries.
“Today a local tabloid newspaper is openly spreading a rumour, claiming that the Chinese use human meat to make corned beef and sell it to Africa.
“This is a malicious slandering and vilification which is absolutely unacceptable to us.
“We hereby express our utmost anger and the strongest condemnation over such an act.”
The photos supposedly showing dead bodies are actually from a marketing stunt from 2012 for the video game Resident Evil 6.
A butchers selling fake “human meat” was set up at London’s Smithfield Market and the same pictures have appeared in Zambia this week.
Zambia’s Deputy Defence Minister Christopher Mulenga says his government will launch an investigation into the reports.
“The government of Zambia regrets the incident in view of the warm relations that exist between Zambia and China,” he said.
“We shall make sure that relevant government authorities will take up the investigations and give a comprehensive statement.”
Zambia has a large community of Chinese immigrants who’ve built successful businesses in the retail and construction industries.
China is also a key importer of Zambia’s main export, copper, and has invested considerable amounts of cash into the country’s mining industry.

Situs pemberantas hoaks, Snopes.com juga melakukan cek fakta terkait isu tersebut pada Mei 2016 lalu.Hasilnya, foto yang digunakan untuk menyebar klaim bohong itu berasal dari promosi film Resident Evil 6 pada 2012 lalu.

KesimpulanFoto daging berbentuk manusia yang diunggah akun Facebook bernama Hanglar memang benar adanya. Tetapi narasi yang menyertainya sama sekali tidak benar.Karena, daging-daging itu hanya sengaja dibuat berbentuk manusia saja dan bukan benar-benar daging manusia.


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