[SALAH] Ellen DeGeneres Bagi-Bagi Hadiah Valentine di Facebook ( Is Ellen Degeneres Holding a Facebook Giveaway? )

Foto dan video yang diunggah oleh akun-akun Facebook mengatasnamakan Ellen DeGeneres tidak benar adanya. Ellen tidak pernah mengadakan acara give away atau memberikan sesuatu kepada para pengguna Facebook lainnya.


The Ellen Degeneres Show does run segments involving prize giveaways that may have online components, including ties to official social media accounts, but not ones involving randomly choosing viewers who “like” and “share” posts stemming from counterfeit Facebook accounts such as the one shown above.

Selengkapnya di bagian PENJELASAN dan REFERENSI.

Kategori : HOAKS / Manipulated Content / Konten yang DImanipulasi

Presenter populer asal Amerika Serikat, Ellen DeGeneres dikabarkan membagi-bagikan hadiah, uang tunai, mobil, bahkan rumah. Hal itu seperti diunggah akun Facebook bernama Ellen ( facebook.com/sueeee.apesssss ) pada 5 Februari 2019 lalu. Padahal sebelumnya, Ellen juga dikabarkan akan memberikan hadiah kepada siapapun yang membagikan unggahannya.


Several times over the last few years social Facebook posts have appeared proposing that users who followed instructions to “like” and “share” them could win myriad prizes in a purported giveaway sponsored by Ellen Degeneres:

I will choose people randomly on Facebook everyone who * shares * will receive gift cards, cash, and big winners can win cars & homes “Share now” don’t miss !!! We watch
Until the weekend !!! I will choose 500 lucky people. $ 50,000,000;- each only follows instructions. …
Step 1-like
Step 2 – Share 
Step 3-comment “pick me”

Sumber :
1. https://web.archive.org/web/20190210095356/https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2267235039963721&set=a.2225021924185033&type=3 – Sudah dibagikan 296 kali saat tangkapan layar diambil.
2. https://web.archive.org/web/20190210095526/https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2296386340643288&id=100008158330796 – Sudah dibagikan 816 kali saat tangkapan layar diambil.


1. https://www.liputan6.com/cek-fakta/read/3687504/cek-fakta-ellen-degeneres-bagi-bagi-uang-usd-10-miliar-di-facebook

– Acara TV The Ellen DeGeneres Show memang memiliki segmen yang membagikan hadiah yang juga melihat komponen online sebagai kriteria. Seperti menilai keaktifan peserta dalam mengikuti laman media sosial resminya.

Namun, Ellen tidak pernah memilih pemenang dari mereka yang melakukan like dan share unggahan-unggahan di akun yang tidak resmi seperti disebutkan dalam klaim.

Semua pemberian hadiah dan promosi resmi lainnya biasanya dilakukan melalui akun media sosial resmi yang sudah terverifikasi. Akun yang terverifikasi biasanya memiliki tanda centang biru di samping namanya.

Menurut Snopes.com, tujuan dari skema giveaway palsu tersebut adalah untuk menaikkan nilai jual akun Facebook tertentu dengan menambah pengikut ataupun jumlah likes, untuk kemudian dijual ke pihak ketiga.

Walaupun terlihat tidak berbahaya, memberikan like ataupun membagikan informasi palsu tersebut tidak sepenuhnya aman. Selain mendorong berkembangnya penipuan online, para penipu juga dapat memperoleh data pribadi korban penipuan.

Salah satu syarat dalam giveaway palsu tersebut adalah untuk melakukan registrasi pada sebuah situs tertentu. Jika tautan situs itu diklik, maka peserta akan diarahkan untuk melengkapi informasi pribadi, termasuk kartu kredit. Dalam beberapa kasus, korban giveaway juga bisa jadi tidak sadar telah mengunduh berkas-berkas berbahaya dari internet.


2. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ellen-degeneres-facebook-giveaway/

– The Ellen Degeneres Show does run segments involving prize giveaways that may have online components, including ties to official social media accounts, but not ones involving randomly choosing viewers who “like” and “share” posts stemming from counterfeit Facebook accounts such as the one shown above.

Any legitimate promotional offer using Facebook should be tied to an account bearing a blue badge indicating the account has been verified by Facebook as authentic: https://www.facebook.com/ellentv/

As we have noted on previous pages about similar hoaxes, these counterfeit promotional posts exhibit a number of red flags, primarily that the underlying pages are not endorsed by any official channel associated with Ellen Degeneres:

The first clue that the giveaways following this format are not on the up-and-up is that the pages to which Facebook users are directed are ones created just days before the giveaway posts begin to appear. Not only are the secondary Facebook pages involved new, they are also not linked with automobile companies or other interests one might imagine could reasonably be expected to offer up a car in exchange for social media advertising (such as automobile dealerships, insurance companies, or large retailers). Were a legitimate company to engage in such a high-ticket contest giveaway, the incentive would be exposure, but no corresponding promotional return on advertising investment is discernable in these Facebook giveaway claims.

The aim of schemes such as the celebrity giveaway hoaxes are typically to rapidly build a large Facebook following in order to sell pages with high “like” counts to third parties. While such hoaxes appear to present little risk to participants, liking and sharing the false information is not entirely safe: in addition to advancing the interests of and encouraging social media scammers, page likes potentially enable user data mining by scammers. And in some cases, the giveaway hoaxes lure victims into downloading malware-bearing files.



About Adi Syafitrah 1650 Articles
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