[SALAH] Taylor Swift Bilang Kebakaran LA Itu Hukuman Tuhan Bagi Pro-Israel


[Hive Moderation] Arsip deteksi AI video Taylor Swift

[Google Lens] Arsip hasil penelusuran Google Lens video Taylor Swift

[YouTube] Taylor Swift’s Easter Eggs Have Gone Out of Control (Extended) | The Tonight Show

https://www.tiktok.com/@matapalestine/video/7459469495271214341 (unggahan akun TikTok “matapalestine”)

https://archive.ph/tn6pH (arsip unggahan akun TikTok “matapalestine”)

https://www.facebook.com/dinitriazra.tri/videos/1028322926006604/ (unggahan akun Facebook “Za Syamila”)

https://bit.ly/40KqN9j (arsip unggahan akun Facebook “Za Syamila”)