[FALSE] The Photos of “a massive demonstration in Indonesia to express solidarity with the Palestinians”

Already published in 2016, 2017 and 2018, NOT 2021. Although it is true that at the moment demonstrations to support Palestine took place in several cities of Indonesia, the shared pictures were previously published in the aforementioned years.

More in the EXPLANATION and REFERENCES section.

CATEGORY: False Context.

SOURCE: Twitter, https://archive.md/6j6o2 (backup archive).

NARRATIVE: “Tens of thousands – a massive demonstration in Indonesia to express solidarity with the Palestinians in #SheikhJarrah and Gaza Strip.”


Based on 7 Types of Mis- and Disinformation by First Draft, classified as “False Context: When genuine content is shared with false contextual information” [1].

The SOURCE shared photos previously published in 2016, 2017 and 2018, UNRELATED to the current (2021) demonstrations which took place in several cities of Indonesia, causing a MISLEADING conclusion.

Image Verification

First photo, tirto.id on December 2 2016: “A demonstration on Friday, December 2, 2016 was held. Thousands of people came to the Monas field. The super peaceful action is scheduled to take place at 08.00 – 13.00 WIB and will be filled with joint dhikr, tausiah and Friday prayers with the Chairman of the Central MUI KH Ma’ruf Amin as the preacher for the Friday prayer.” [2]

Second photo, Getty Images on December 17 2017: “JAKARTA, INDONESIA – DECEMBER 17:Indonesian men wave Palestinian and Indonesian flags at a large demonstration against the United States’ decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel on December 17, 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The demonstrators whose number police estimated at 80,000 called for Boycotts of American and Israeli businesses. (Photo by Ed Wray/Getty Images)” [3]

Third photo, medcom.id on April 3 2018: “Action to defend Palestine in Jakarta, some time ago (Photo: Doc. Metro TV)” (photo caption) [4]

Related References

Google Image search, related to the current demonstrations in several cities of Indonesia. [5]

Google search (News), related to the current tension of Palestine vs Israel. [6]


[1] firstdraftnews.org: “Fake news. It’s complicated.”, http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, https://archive.md/IT2vQ (backup archive).

[2] tirto.id: “Action News Update 212”, https://bit.ly/3oyHtfe (Google Translate) / https://archive.st/3fj8 (backup archive).

[3] gettyimages.com: “Indonesians Demonstrate Against Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital”, https://bit.ly/3wcln4I / https://archive.md/xpUvE (backup archive).

[4] medcom.id: “Government Asked to Continue to Fight for Palestinian Independence” https://bit.ly/33SvBep (Google Translate) / https://archive.st/4tvj (backup archive).

[5] https://www.google.com/search?q=aksi+bela+palestina+2021&tbm=isch, https://bit.ly/3bCpdwd / https://archive.md/ZQJpD (backup archive).

[6] https://www.google.com/search?q=2021+palestine+israel+conflict&tbm=nws, https://bit.ly/3fxc09c / https://archive.md/AXkWC (backup archive).