[FALSE] “Erdogan builds 70,000 elite settlements”

FALSE CONNECTION between claim and photos. Associating a photo related to Erdogan’s visit to the earthquake housing estate in Elâzığ with photos of another housing estate located in Dedemli, which is hundreds of kilometers away from Elâzığ. 

Details in the EXPLANATION and REFERENCES section.






Facebook, https://archive.md/7Iqac (backup archive).

(Similar to the Indonesian false information source here: http://bit.ly/2LoIbfW, without the photo of Erdogan).



“Prezidente Turkia Erdogan halo uma hamutuk 70.000 ba nia povu sira, uma ne’ebe dignu ba povu ne’ebe merese ho dignu mos.
Referensia ba Nai ulun sira karik iha hanoin atu halo uma ba povu doben Timor Leste karik.”



(1) First Draft News: “FALSE CONNECTION

When headlines, visuals, or captions don’t support the content”

* The SOURCE shared photos of a housing estate located in Dedemli which located hundreds of kilometers away from Elâzığ by falsely associating the photos with Erdogan’s visit to the earthquake housing estate in Elâzığ, which has caused false conclusions. [1]

(2) One of articles related to Erdogan’s visit to Elâzığ,

* Lider Gazetesi: “President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the commemoration and earthquake residences turnkey ceremony organized for the first anniversary of the Elazig earthquake. President Erdoğan made important statements at the ceremony.” [2]

(3) One of articles related to photos of housing estate in Dedemli,

* Karaman Habercisi: “The new settlement of Dedemli Neighborhood, which was built by Toki in Konya’s Meram district, is about to be completed. Kaynak: Konya Karaman Yolu Üzerinde Dedemli İçin Sona Yaklaşılıyor” [3]

(4) Related to the distance of Elâzığ – Dedemli,

* Google Maps:

“From Elâzığ, Elâzığ Merkez / Elazığ, Turkey
to Dedemli, 42830 Hadim / Konya, Turkey”. [4]

(5) Other related references,

* Google Maps,

Elâzığ [5]

Dedemli [6]

* Related to Erdogan’s visit to Elâzığ,

TRT HABER: “President Erdoğan examined the earthquake houses from a helicopter and received information from the Minister of Environment and Urbanization, Murat Kurum.” [7]

Anadolu Ajansi: “For families whose houses were destroyed or severely damaged in the earthquake that occurred on January 24 last year, TOKI completed the construction of 8 thousand houses under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.” [8]

* Related to the earthquake in Turkey,

VolcanoDiscovery: “Significant earthquake of magnitude 6.4 just reported 10 km northwest of Sivrice, Turkey” [9]

* Wikipedia: “The 2020 Elazığ earthquake occurred at 20:55 local time (17:55 UTC) on 24 January in Turkey.” [10]



[1] firstdraftnews.org: “Fake news. It’s complicated.” http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs, http://archive.md/eSihu (backup archive).

[2] lidergazetesi.com: “Thousands of houses built after the earthquake in Elazig were given to the rightful owners with the participation of President Erdoğan.” http://bit.ly/3tob1y4 (Google Translate) / http://bit.ly/3pKl2U9 (backup archive).

[3] karamanhabercisi.com: “Approaching the End for Dedemli on Konya-Karaman Road Kaynak: Konya Karaman Yolu Üzerinde Dedemli İçin Sona Yaklaşılıyor” http://bit.ly/3asSOGZ (Google Translate / http://bit.ly/3aqy0jk (backup archive).

[4] Google Maps: Elâzığ to Dedemli, http://bit.ly/3pLpUIt / https://archive.md/Imm98 (backup archive).

[5] Google Maps: “Elâzığ, Elâzığ Merkez / Elazığ, Turkey” http://bit.ly/2YAXYLs / https://archive.md/LCPZQ (backup archive).

[6] Google Maps: “Dedemli, 42830 Hadim / Konya, Turkey” http://bit.ly/3cCmzYy / https://archive.md/6t4dI (backup archive).

[7] trthaber.com: “President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Elazig” http://bit.ly/3oHWBVT / http://bit.ly/2YJI1T6 (backup archive).

[8] aa.com.tr: “The key of the 8 thousandth residence in Elazig will be delivered to the rightful owner at a ceremony” http://bit.ly/3au485H (Google Translate) / http://bit.ly/2LfE3i4 (backup archive).

[9] volcanodiscovery.com: “Moderate mag. 5.5 earthquake – EASTERN TURKEY on Sunday, 27 December 2020 at 06:37 (GMT) – information” http://bit.ly/3jh6atH / https://archive.md/mYKCh (backup archive).

[10] wikipedia.org: “2020 Elazığ earthquake” http://bit.ly/3cDnQ1r / https://archive.md/khYsb (backup archive).