[FALSE] Video of “lockdown in Spain”

NOT in Spain. The correct location is Baku (Azerbaijan), protests with several cause UNRELATED to COVID-19.




False context.



“Vimal Patel” (facebook.com/vimalkpatel26) account, shared 455 times per screenshot was made.

http://archive.md/KjN1M (backup archive).



“This is lockdown in Spain
You guys in India are lucky…u just get caned..”



(1) First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

More @ http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs / http://archive.md/eSihu (backup archive).

* The SOURCE shared a video of Baku (Azerbaijan) protests with several causes UNRELATED to COVID-19.

* The SOURCE added false narrative, including the incorrect location, which has caused wrong conclusion.

(2) One of related video, YouTube: “October 19 rally – Extensive video

174,039 views • Premiered Oct 19, 2019

Community TV

On October 19, the National Council and the Popular Front Party held a rally in the center of Baku. Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck. Toplum TV presents an extensive video about what happened at the rally..”

Google Translate Chrome extension, video @ https://bit.ly/2UBwFQb / http://archive.md/f0dyQ (backup archive).



(1) Several related articles,

* Reuters: “Police in Azerbaijan on Saturday detained scores of protesters, including the leader of the main opposition Popular Front, at the start of a planned rally against low salaries, corruption and a lack of democracy in the energy-rich ex-Soviet state.”

More @ “Azeri police detain scores of protesters, including opposition party leader” https://reut.rs/2R53Zga / http://archive.md/72WWW (backup archive).

* Wikipedia: “The 2019 Baku protests were a series of nonviolent rallies on 8, 19 and 20 October in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The protests on 8 and 19 October were organized by the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF), an alliance of opposition parties, and called for the release of political prisoners and for free and fair elections. They were also against growing unemployment and economic inequality. Among those detained on 19 October was the leader of the Azerbaijani Popular Front Party, Ali Karimli. On 20 October several dozen women held a protest against domestic violence.”

More @ https://bit.ly/2JzpLUZ / http://archive.md/9PxTY (backup archive).

(2) The Quint: “The Quint can confirm that while the video has not been altered in any way, the claim with which it is being circulated in absolutely false. The video is neither recent nor from Spain. It is in fact from Baku in Azerbaijan where the police detained protesters in October 2019.”

More @ https://bit.ly/2JvNu8F / http://archive.md/oVcj0 (backup archive).