[FALSE] Photos of “Italy. No more spaces are available in hospitals. #CoronavirusLockdown”

NOT Italy, the correct location of shared photos is Zagreb (Croatia).




False context.



“Saleem Naz” (twitter.com/Saleemnaz2120) account, shared 31,347 times per screenshot was taken.

http://archive.md/6yvdY (backup archive).



“This is from Italy. No more spaces are available in hospitals. Please do not step out of your homes for next 14 days. #CoronavirusLockdown”.



(1) First Draft News: “FALSE CONTEXT

When genuine content is shared with false contextual information”

More @ http://bit.ly/2qYG8Rs / http://archive.md/eSihu (backup archive).

* The SOURCE shared photos of earthquake victims occured in Zagreb, Croatia.

* The SOURCE added false narrative which has caused false conclusion.

(2) EcoWatch: “A destructive 5.4 magnitude #earthquake hit Zagreb, Croatia this morning – the strongest in 140 years!💔 It breaks my heart to see the hospitals evacuated like this during #coronavirus with patients and mothers with their newborn babies out in the cold 😩”

More @ “5.4 Earthquake Rattles Croatian Capital, Forcing Residents out of Coronavirus Lockdown” https://bit.ly/2zfHGyi / http://archive.md/3mDHQ (backup archive).

Quoted tweet backup archive @ http://archive.md/vNN9G.



(1) INDEPENDENT: “At least 17 people injured after 5.3-magnitude tremor strikes capital Zagreb

Newborn babies had to be evacuated from a maternity hospital after a strong earthquake rocked Croatia during a partial coronavirus lockdown.

The 5.3 magnitude tremor – the biggest to hit the capital Zagreb in 140 years – left at least 17 people injured and caused widespread damage to buildings. A 15-year-old girl was in a critical condition, according to authorities.”

More @ https://bit.ly/2QNpbHq / http://archive.md/exbK7 (backup archive).

(2) Google, keyword: “croatia earthquake”

http://archive.md/CfOHu (backup archive).

(3) Report (mention) to MAFINDO’s Twitter account (twitter.com/turnbackhoax).

http://archive.md/Cem2q (backup archive).