[KLARIFIKASI] “Seorang Bayi yang Baru Berusia 12 Hari Meninggal Dunia Terpanggang Dalam Inkubator”

(1) Pertanyaan dari salah satu anggota FAFHH.
(2) https://goo.gl/cGpzxt, sudah dibagikan 57.858 kali ketika tangkapan layar dibuat.

“Seorang bayi yg baru berusia 12 hari meninggal dunia terpanggan dalam Incubator, salah seorang nurse terlupa memperlahankan suhu Incubator di ruangan bayi yg di letakan, sementara pihak RS bertanggung jawab atas kejadian itu karenana keteledoran anak buahnya, mendengakan atas kejadian itu, kedua orang tuanya shok tak sadarkan diri,,,, smg kejadian hal sperti jangan terjadi lagi ,,,, Aamiin”

Lokasi kejadian di Cina, bukan Indonesia. Salah satu media yang memberitakan > Beijing Cream: “Bayi Baru Lahir Terpanggang Hingga Meninggal di Inkubator Rumah Sakit Anak Quanzhou [UPDATE]” | “Newborn Baked To Death In Quanzhou Children’s Hospital Incubator [UPDATE]” (bahasa asli, English).

https://goo.gl/YKy7Hw, “Newborn Baked To Death In Quanzhou Children’s Hospital Incubator [UPDATE]
By Anthony Tao July 18, 2013 4:46 pm Comments: 0
According to users on Sina Weibo, a newborn was “baked” to death in what appears to be a horrific accident at Quanzhou Children’s Hospital in Quanzhou, Fujian province. The child was left overnight in an incubator or a heat pad that was much too hot, searing the meat off her back.
Relatives of the child say that hospital officials kept the newborn — only 12 days old — overnight because it had a cold. Nurses at the hospital have reportedly refused all interviews. Also disturbingly, surveillance footage from that night has apparently been deleted.
The uncensored pictures from the incident are absolutely terrifying, and we don’t at all recommend you search for them. (They’re here via Weibo, but again, we advise not clicking.)
More information as it becomes available.
UPDATE, 7/22, 12:15 pm: The hospital is claiming the baby died of a bacterial infection. Again, don’t click the above link for the photo, but if a bacteria did that, then the end of humanity has already arrived and we don’t even know it.
Wall Street Journal has more info:
Hospital authorities and the baby girl’s family present differing accounts of her death. The hospital says the baby died of a bacterial infection. The family insists the baby was scorched to death in the incubator, citing burns on the infant’s back, buttocks and legs.
…The infant’s farther, Ye Yilong, told the state-run China News Service (in Chinese ) that his daughter bad been born with low levels of oxygen in her blood and was sent to the intensive care unit at Quanzhou Children’s Hospital in the city of Quanzhou, in Fujian province, immediately after she was born in July 6. On Tuesday afternoon, he said, he was told that “everything is normal and she can be discharged tomorrow.” But the next morning, the hospital told him his daughter had died.
(H/T Kevin McGeary)”.

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